Is Vientiane doing education or doing business?

To be a teacher or a salesman?

Be routine or learn knowledge?

  Beginning with online education chaos: "Talking Skills" + "Taolu" Reaping Parents

  "Famous teachers give high apprentices, online courses choose ××", "famous teachers live broadcast lessons will have a lesson of ×××", "online lessons, use ×××"...

  When the overwhelming advertising hits, how many parents can feel like water?

  The sudden new crown pneumonia epidemic has pressed the "fast forward button" for online education.

Statistics show that in 2020, China's basic education online industry will raise more than 50 billion yuan in financing, surpassing the total financing of the previous 10 years, and many online education institutions have repeatedly reached new highs in financing.

Some research institutions even predict that by 2022, the market size of K12 online education is expected to reach 150 billion yuan.

  However, the faster-than-expected acceleration of development has also caused frequent chaos in online education.

"The phenomena such as low-price peddling of courses, high-intensity publicity of online media, and uneven quality of the content of the push have brought psychological anxiety to students and parents." said Gao Chen, party secretary and principal of Northeast Yucai School.

  Criticisms come from all directions. Some people criticize online education institutions: are they doing education or doing business?

Some people criticize parents: No one is forcing you to apply for classes, it is still too utilitarian.

  Indeed, the final decision on whether to apply for classes and which classes to apply for should be in the hands of the parents. However, when faced with the children’s increasingly late sleep and heavier burdens, why can’t parents “be merciful” instead Get involved in the "torrent" of class reporting?

  Recently, a reporter from China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily interviewed a number of experts, teachers, parents, and online education practitioners. When trying to analyze the reasons behind the chaos, they found that, in fact, from the moment the parents picked up the phone to consult It fell into the "words" and "routines" carefully prepared by the sales staff.

Talking Skills: Parents think that they are firm, but there is no way to escape in the face of speaking skills

  "We tutors, when facing students and parents, will say that they are after-school tutors, and will answer all the questions they have after class. However, our position within the company is very clear: it is to increase the relationship between the main lecturer and the parents of the students. The ultimate goal is to achieve the task of renewal.” Hua Yan (pseudonym), who has just resigned from an online education and training institution, told a reporter from China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily.

  Training institutions are generally divided into 4 phases a year: spring class, summer class, autumn class, and winter class. The renewal rate refers to the proportion of students who can continue from the spring class to the winter class.

  It should be said that the renewal rate has the most direct relationship with the educational quality of the institution, but the quality of education is not necessarily proportional to the renewal rate, and it does not have an intuitive indicator, even if the same educational method is used for different children’s On the body, the effect will be different.

  In most institutions, class renewal is a very important task for tutors, class teachers and even lecturers.

The renewal rate is directly related to the reputation of a training class, and some training institutions have even calculated that the loss of one student will affect 18 intended customers.

  At this time, the tutor is still a teacher in name, but in essence a salesperson of the company.

  Anyone who has some knowledge of online training institutions knows that in addition to the main lecturer, the training class usually has a head teacher or tutor. Usually, the head teacher or tutor will follow up all matters related to the tutoring class. The parent contacted.

  Hua Yan told reporters from China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily that each of them will receive a "speaking skill" at the beginning of their employment.

This is the housekeeping skills of the tutors—"wordsmanship" covers almost all the reasons teachers may encounter that parents do not want to renew classes.

  "If a parent says that the child's grades in the first class have not improved much, and the monthly test results are not good, this set of'talking skills' will tell me that I can persuade the parents to come back step by step in 4 levels." Hua Yan said , The first step is to tell parents simply and clearly: learning cannot be done quickly.

"This has the same effect as the currently popular'chicken soup' waiting for the flowers to bloom. Many parents will choose to continue to listen to me."

  Then, Huayan will enter the second level to emphasize to the parents: the child has improved, but the parent has not noticed that the child has learned a lot of ideas and skills in answering questions here, but this exam happened not to appear, "You can’t just Looking at children’s progress through grades, the child’s ×× ability has improved significantly by the end of this semester."

  In fact, half of the parents here are not as determined as before.

  After entering the third level, Huayan will take out the child’s examination papers, conduct more specific analysis, and guide the parents to follow their own ideas step by step. "For example, this paper is obviously a chapter test. Yes, if there are 100 knowledge points in junior high school, 10 of them are taken this time, and 8 of them are relatively weak, then his grades will fluctuate or decline. We can’t deny all grades, but pass Periodic examinations understand the weak areas of the child, and then improve it in a targeted manner."

  After these remarks, many parents have already moved.

How many parents will deny their children altogether?

How many parents are unwilling to give their children another chance?

  This seemingly very sincere remark, Huayan has already told many parents, this passage is "lying" in the computer of Huayan, as long as there is a parent with similar reasons, it will be taken out by Huayan with sincerity "Recite" his tone, and many tutors like him have to repeat it many times when each renewal period arrives.

  If the parents are really tempted, Hua Yan will continue to speak out the rest of the story: "The teacher's next course happens to have special hours for the child’s weakness, and I know the child’s situation very well, and I will definitely catch him more. Don’t be discouraged because of an exam and disrupt your own pace and pace. If your child can follow our plan and requirements, I believe they will be able to win the final victory!"

  At this time, many parents already feel that the tutors are completely comrades-in-arms on the same front as themselves, and some particularly firm parents, faced with such "heart-and-heart" persuasion from tutors, will also express to consider again.

  "As long as the parents indicate that they will reconsider, we will call again." Hua Yan said that if the parents find other reasons, "Talk" will provide a highly targeted response.

  A reporter from China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily saw that Huayan’s "Talking Skills" book also lists a lot of situations, such as "It's too early to renew. We haven't had a few classes yet, and we can’t see the effect. Let’s talk about it later." "The child’s foundation is too poor and ready to report one-on-one." "The class time is not appropriate. You may not be able to watch the live broadcast. There is no way to guarantee the learning effect." "...Almost all the reasons why parents do not renew classes are covered.

Therefore, many parents said that they are most afraid of the violent bombardment of institutional phone calls during the renewal period. No matter what reason you have, the head teacher can find words to convince you, "There is really no way to escape."

  Many experts pointed out that it is necessary to look at the chaos of training institutions dialectically. “It is undeniable that parents have excessive anxiety.” said Liu Lin, secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing City College, principal, and chairman of the China Private Education Association. However, parents are very anxious. It has been well used by training institutions, and parents have become more and more wrapped up in the whole set of discourse systems of training institutions.

Routine: Parents thought they chose the best plan, but they were actually led by the "routine"

  Maybe you are not lost in the "wordsmanship", but you may not escape the "routine".

  Recently, the parent Fan Jia (pseudonym) feels very sorry for the friends in the circle of friends.

In order to get free lessons for the children, I have to often publish the advertisements of the training courses in the circle of friends.

"Actually, there are not many lessons at the end, but they are posted in Moments once a week, and you cannot simply say a few words. The entire text provided by the original copy agency is required. Most of the content in the text is to praise the training effect. of."

  In fact, Fan Jia entered the routine pre-set by the training organization.

  "In marketing, we mainly have 3 routines, the first of which is the old and new way to complete social fission." Xiaodong (a pseudonym), an English lecturer who has just joined an online training organization, said that almost all organizations will use it. This routine: a parent who recommends a person to sign up can give away formal lessons. The more the number of people recommended, the greater the amount of free lessons.

  Fan Jia enrolled his children for extracurricular classes on a large scale during the summer vacation when his children entered junior high school.

In order to better adapt to the learning in middle school, Fan Jia got a link from a friend, "There are 3 courses outside of mathematics, 8 courses in each course, and a total of only tens of dollars." Fan Jia quickly signed up, and Many parents were recommended. For this reason, Fan Jia also received two courses in physics and biology for his son.

  However, “when you change from a freshman to an old student, these discounts are gone. When you renew the fee, each course will be changed from the original ten yuan to several thousand yuan.” Fan Jia said, if you want to quit at this time , It's not that easy.

  "At this time, there will be a second routine." Xiaodong said, "Institutions will deliberately create an illusion that the courses are hot, creating a sense of tension and scarcity of courses to play with marketing."

  Xiaodong observed that sometimes few parents have signed up, but the organization will keep falsely claiming that only the last few places are left.

  On the one hand, organizations use deadlines to "force" parents to sign up, and sometimes they sign "point-guarantee agreements" with parents.

The organization promised that if the child did not reach the target score, the course fee would be refunded in full, and some even promised to repay half of the money.

  "At that time, the target score is really not reached, and there will be a special course consultant to communicate with the parents. In the end, there will be a small number of refunds." Xiaodong said.

  Words and routines work together and work together, and many parents can only submit to such a powerful offensive.

  "Some online education institutions will also hype up the'Qingbei' teachers, but the reality is that their teachers may be students of Tsinghua and Peking University, and some have not obtained teacher qualification certificates, have not systematically studied teacher courses, and have no teaching ability. Can't pay attention to students well and teach students in accordance with their aptitude." said Liu Xiya, deputy to the National People's Congress and principal of Chongqing Xiejiawan Primary School.

  What Liu Xiya said is the third routine of online education and training institutions.

“Maybe many famous teachers’ academic qualifications cannot be faked, but the experience can be disguised.” Xiaodong said, “Obviously, I have only been employed for two years, and the organization will say that the teacher has taught thousands of lessons, and this parent cannot verify it. "

Kidnapping: Education is "stuck" by capital, and the ultimate victims are students

  Whether it is "kidnapping" or routine traction, it is an inevitable performance of off-campus training institutions driven by capital.

  The essence of capital is profit-oriented.

In order to make quick profits, many organizations spend a lot of money on advertisements. "A bus stop has 4 billboards, 3 of which are for online education. From time to time, you can see buses with online education advertisements passing by the platform. "One parent said so.

  Of course, the advertisements on TV are even more overwhelming.

  "Maybe the news in the previous second was still talking about reducing the burden on students, thinking that the extracurricular tutoring agency was selling anxiety, and the next second, the advertisement of extracurricular tutoring was broadcast on TV." Liu Lin said, this phenomenon is very divided.

  Behind the overwhelming advertisements is "burning money", but also "cashing money" or even "cheating money."

Not long ago, the media disclosed that four online education and training institutions hired the same "teacher" to advertise for them. This teacher teaches math for a while and English for a while.

  What hurts education by the kidnapping of capital is education itself.

  "I like being a teacher very much. I know that education must not only teach people how to fish, but also teach people how to fish. Sometimes the content of the lecturer is too focused on test-taking skills, and I will re-record some explanation videos." Hua Yan said. But such an approach must ensure that one's own "actions" cannot lag behind the "actions" of other colleagues.

Huayan's "actions" are those phone calls and various marketing activities that should be completed during the critical period of renewal.

  "Our working hours usually start in the afternoon and end in the middle of the night. If we record video again, we often have to stay up until two or three o'clock in the evening. If the time is long, our body will not allow it."

  “Online plus offline, physical plus virtual, oral irrigation plus electric irrigation, school plus society.” Liu Xiya said, “Now, educational online training has formed artificial intelligence learning products and off-campus training, media and even some schools and teachers. Economic benefits chain.” Liu Xiya said that during the epidemic, various learning apps and online learning platforms flooded into the market on a large scale, but most of the current product forms are "Internet + education" instead of "education + Internet", which has led to A series of educational issues.

  Liu Xiya pointed out that fast-food and superficial learning will inert students' thinking.

For example, a large number of offline students can directly search for answers and solve the problem on the "so-and-so gang" in order to quickly obtain answers when they encounter a problem, which loses the meaning of completing homework, and even some applications can imitate their own handwriting directly instead of copying.

  "For another example, some online learning teachers pay attention to the application of formulas and do not explain the principles of formulas. The scientificity and rationality of the teaching content of some online education products need to be demonstrated. There are obvious errors in knowledge points, and even the same question input 3 The situation of getting three different answers in three different apps seriously affects the learning effect of students.” Liu Xiya said.

  Liu Xiya said that at present, online education and training almost occupies most of the students' off-campus time, and has become a test-oriented education tool for training institutions to "replace training with exams and teach with training".

"This completely leads education to commercialization, teaching to routines, learning to writing questions, and evaluation to examinations. Students' academic burdens and parents' financial burdens have become the two big mountains that weigh on the families of their children in school." Liu Xiya said At the same time, driven by economic interests, some artificial intelligence learning products will extend their hands to campuses. Schools or teachers recommend students and parents to use their products to get a certain rebate, which seriously interferes with the order of education and teaching.

  In addition, Liu Xiya observed that, driven by interests, some website platforms push pornographic and vulgar content and other harmful content, which is not conducive to the physical and mental health of young people and forms correct values.

  "At present, due to the low cost of online teaching, many online courses use price wars to win customers, which makes parents easy to be kidnapped by various products. Students are tired of participating in learning on multiple online platforms, which can easily lead to myopia, scoliosis, etc. Physical problems are also prone to psychological problems such as anxiety and avoidance. In order to achieve short-term results to retain customers, the teaching content of some online training institutions varies from difficult to easy, in violation of the laws of education and teaching and the laws of physical and mental development, so that students can Experience the pseudo-success of'pulling out the seedlings' in a short period of time." Liu Xiya said.

  Therefore, Liu Xiya proposes to improve the access mechanism, supervision mechanism and exit mechanism of the application of smart technology in the field of basic education; to form top-down basic education stage students, teachers, and schools to use online learning products related regulations and recommendations.

  Gao Chen believes that it is necessary to continue to strengthen supervision, innovate supervision strategies, and comprehensively use economic, legal, administrative and other means to put forward all-round requirements for online education companies’ school conditions, training content, fee management, marketing methods, and teacher qualifications, and further Promote the orderly development of online education standards.

At the same time, online education companies are guided to return to the original intention of education and stick to the bottom line of people-oriented education.

  China Youth Daily·China Youth Daily reporter Fan Weichen, Ye Yuting, trainee reporter Yang Jie Source: China Youth Daily