Hana Kimura, a professional wrestler, died while being slandered on SNS, and Hana's mother filed a lawsuit against the poster's man for compensation.

Hana Kimura, a professional wrestler who appeared on Fuji TV's program "Terrace House," died in May last year while suffering slander on SNS.

Kyoko, her mother, said that as a result of asking the provider to disclose the poster, a man in Nagano Prefecture posted on Twitter, "Thank you for making everyone happy because of your death." I have filed a lawsuit seeking compensation.

In his first speech at the Tokyo District Court on the 22nd, he insisted that he was "slandering even after his death and that his mother violated his feelings for his daughter."

On the other hand, the contributor has not appeared in court and has not submitted a document about the allegation to the court so far.

According to the lawyer on the mother's side, this is the first time that a lawyer has filed a lawsuit to identify the poster and seek compensation, but in addition to that, he is proceeding with a court procedure requesting disclosure of sender information for the post at that time. is.

At the press conference, her mother, Kyoko, said, "I want you to face the fact that you have been slandered."