China News Service, Yinchuan, March 21st, title: "Sleep economy" is popular, "post-95" has become the main consumer

  Author Yang Di Li Zeyang

  Put on scented candles, eat a melatonin jelly, hold a sleep aid, and lie on a newly purchased sleep aid mattress... This is what the 25-year-old "North Drift" Chen Ruinan must pass every night before going to bed. Four Steps to Sleep".

  March 21 is World Sleep Day. Chen Ruinan admitted in an interview with reporters that today, if you want to "sleep well", you must have sleep aid products.

  According to the "2021 Exercise and Sleep White Paper", there are currently more than 300 million people in China with sleep disorders, and the incidence of insomnia among Chinese adults is as high as 38.2%.

"Can't sleep", "sleep well", "sleep less"... When the "insomnia army" became a huge group, the "sleep economy" also emerged and became popular in the consumer market.

  Sleep aids, sleep aid aromatherapy, steam goggles, soundproof earplugs, sleep aid pillows, sleep mattresses... The reporter saw on the shopping platform that various "sleeping artifacts" are emerging in endlessly and they are selling well.

  Many domestic and foreign companies have also set their sights on the "sleep economy", and various types of "sleep black technology" are constantly emerging in the market.

The major sleep aid apps can play hypnotic sound effects, record snoring and sleep talk, monitor the depth and quality of sleep; "Good evening" milk and sleep aid drinks are online, aiming at calming and sleeping aids; and hotels are on World Sleep Day on March 21 Themed accommodation experience activities were launched to provide residents with health-care sleep-aid soup and "song bowl sound therapy" sleep-aiding yoga services... According to data, the market size of China’s sleep industry is expected to reach more than 400 billion yuan (RMB, below). Same), it will exceed one trillion yuan in 2030.

  Among consumers of the "sleep economy", the "post-95" has become the main force.

The "2019-2020 Online Sleep Consumption Report" released by the Jingdong Big Data Research Institute shows that "post-95" users have the highest increase in sleep consumption turnover, and they spend more sleep consumption out of the need to improve work and living conditions.

  "Drink hot milk, eat melatonin, listen to white noise, use sleep aid apps..." Ma Siyu, a "post-95", told reporters that she has tried a variety of sleep aid products and sleep aid methods because she feels she has sleep disorders. Improve your sleep status.

  With the younger age of sleep problems, health management is also being valued by more young people.

Chen Ruinan said with a smile that watching the live broadcast of "Sleep Products" e-commerce has become a "compulsory course before going to bed" for young people.

  “In the past, the patients we received were mainly elderly people, but now more and more young people come to treat insomnia.” Li Geng, director of the Sleep Medicine Center of Ning’an Ning’an Hospital, introduced that the Sleep Medicine Center had more than 13,000 outpatients last year. There are many young faces among the patients who come for consultation and treatment.

  "If insomnia is more than 3 times a week and the condition lasts for a month, it is recommended to go to a regular hospital for treatment." Li Geng believes that sleep aid products and drugs should be treated scientifically and ensure safety when buying. "Take melatonin as an example. People younger than 65 can generally secrete normally. Excessive supplementation will increase the risk of circadian disorders. High-dose use of melatonin will also have side effects such as affecting reproductive function." Li Geng said.

  “Many patients’ sleep problems are actually caused by mental and emotional disorders. Insomnia is just one of the symptoms.” Li Geng said that developing good sleeping habits and maintaining a positive mental state are the “most important things” for treating sleep problems. The best prescription".
