Every day in "Historically yours", the presenter Stéphane Bern and the historian Clémentine Portier-Kaltenbach compete in a historical and unusual quiz.

Would you be able to face them?

To find out, we have concocted thematic quizzes based on the questions asked every day to our two specialists.

Inventions in history in ten questions.

Vaccines, non-cubic ice cubes and cans ... Answer the questions that made our presenter grow and laugh our presenter Stéphane Bern and our historian Clémentine Portier-Kaltenbach in the sequence "Bern to be alive", every day in 

Historically yours

, between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Europe 1.

>> Find "Bern to be alive" in replay and podcast here

Can you do as well as them? 

  • "The old man of Lochnagar" is an English fairy tale for children.

    But who wrote it?

  •  Thomas Alexandre Dumas was the father of Alexandre Dumas and therefore the grandfather of Alexandre Dumas fils.

    He had a double peculiarity.

    But which ?

  • In southern Vietnam, Honoré de Balzac is a divinity.

    True or false ?

  • At the end of the 19th century, Oscar Wilde came to France to meet the best of French literature.

    He meets, among others, Verlaine, Daudet, Zola and Victor Hugo.

    Two years after meeting the latter, we found in the book "The Man Who Laughs" by Victor Hugo passages very inspired by writings that Oscar Wilde had read to him and that he would publish 5 years later.

    Experts speak of "quasi plagiarism".

    True or false ?

  • We remember Victor Hugo's Quasimodo in Notre-Dame de Paris.

    But Quasimido is also a Christian holiday.

    True or false ?

  • When Captain Haddock uses the expression "bachi bouzouk", he uses Turkish which dates from the Ottoman Empire.

    It literally means "baggy pants".

    True or false ?

  • In 1964, Jean-Paul Sartre refused the Nobel Prize for Literature, but anyway a volcanic eruption would have prevented him from getting his prize.

    True or false ?

  • Boris Vian has written many books under a pseudonym, sometimes making questionable choices.

    He notably wrote a short story signed "Marcel Prout".

    True or false ?

  • Asterix was an invented Gallic.

    Vercingetorix a true Gallic.

    And Biturix?

    True or false Gallic?

  •  A couplet is a two-line poem.

    Who signed this one: "My dinner bothers me and even harasses me / I ate horse and I think about the saddle"?

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