[Explanation] Recently, in a Yijia Xinzhai building in Taoyuan Village, Wayan Township, Yuexi County, Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province, after school, the first-year student Wuqilabumo received a call from his mother, Bamu Yubumu, from Fujian. Video call.

  [Explanation] During the Spring Festival of 2010, Bamu Yubumu was photographed with a huge suitcase on his shoulders, a backpack in his left hand, and a baby in his right hand.

Over the past 11 years, this photo has touched countless Chinese people, and Bamu Yubumu is also affectionately called the "Spring Festival Mother".

Nowadays, Bamu Yubumu and her husband are working outside, and the eldest daughter Wuqilabumo has assumed the responsibility of looking after younger siblings.

From tutoring her sister's homework to walking with her brother on her back, this 14-year-old girl has matured beyond her age.

  [Contemporary] "Spring Festival Mother" Bamu Yubumu's daughter Wujilabomo

  Call your mother and tell her about some things at home.

It's really tiring to take care of them like the mothers of younger siblings.

My mother used to be a very ordinary mother in my mind, but later I discovered that she is a very great (person), she moved (many) people, and she is a very great mother.

  [Explanation] Before moving into the new house, the Bamu Yubumu family lived in an adobe house. What they feared most was the rain leaking at home on rainy days.

In 2018, under the national poverty alleviation policy, the Bamu Yubumu family received a housing subsidy of 40,000 yuan, and then raised 70,000 yuan to build a new home with three bedrooms and one living room, saying goodbye to "you can't sleep when it rains." Days.

  [Contemporary] "Spring Festival Mother" Bamu Yubumu's daughter Wujilabomo

  I used to live in an old house. When it rained, the water leaked and I didn't sleep well.

The bed is not good, very hard.

When I was doing homework, I wrote on the bricks, but I didn't write well, and I didn't watch TV.

Now I live in a new house, with a desk, a warm quilt, a good bed, each with its own room, and TV.

Live very comfortable now.  

  [Explanation] In Xinmin Town, 8 kilometers away from Taoyuan Village, the home of Bamu Yubumu's father Bamu Abi is here.

In 2016, Bam Abi built a two-story bungalow with a size of more than 240 square meters. He is also the one who takes care of the children in Bam Yubumu on weekdays.

  [Concurrent period] Bamu Abi, the father of "Spring Festival Mother" Bamu Yubumu

  My daughter used to live in an earthen house with tiles that were blown off when the wind blows, and then it will leak when it rains.

It must be done once in a few months. If it is not done, it will not work. If it leaks, it will be impossible to live (person).

For this daughter, I was a little worried when I was a father. (She) lived in this building and I was a little happy.

  [Explanation] In February of this year, the news of "the mother of the Spring Festival travellers found" spread on the Internet. Many people approached Bamu Yubumu and asked her about the changes in the past 11 years.

In the eyes of this simple Yi woman, the only change she lived in was the size of the house she lived in.

  [Concurrent] "Spring Festival Mother" Bamu Yubumu

  The previous house was too small.

During the Chinese New Year, relatives and friends came to my house. The house was small and crowded. It was too crowded.

Now the new house is a bit tall (large). Relatives and friends come to my house and have a place to sit and play.

  [Explanation] The change of the Bamu Yubumu family originated from the safe housing construction project carried out since the poverty alleviation in Liangshan Prefecture.

Up to now, Liangshan Prefecture has completed 74,400 relocation houses for poverty alleviation, 66,600 houses in Yijia Xinzhai, 18,179 relocation houses for geological disasters, and the security rate of safe housing for poor households in the prefecture has reached 100%.

  Chen Xuanbin reports from Liangshan, Sichuan

Editor in charge: [Zhou Zhaojun]