The Foreign Legion has decided to dismiss the soldier filmed giving the Nazi salute.

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Raymond Roig / AFP

According to his superiors, this man "aged just under 25" has been informed of the decision and has already left his unit.

A legionary filmed giving the Nazi salute was fired, said Thursday the commander of the 13th demi-brigade of the Foreign Legion (DBLE) located in the military camp of Larzac, in Aveyron.

An internal investigation established that the filmed facts “are indisputable.

They actually took place with us on March 6, ”said Colonel Pierre-Henry Aubry.

“In my regiment, there are no other cases of this kind.

The other boys who appear in the video are strangers who didn't understand what was going on, ”he said.

“This is the only recent case of this type.

Three-four years ago, another individual claimed on social networks to belong to an extreme right-wing group, ”while asserting his military status.

He had also been fired, according to Colonel Aubry.

The follow-up to the Mediapart investigation

The young man is in Marseilles, where he will be officially dismissed by the commander of the Foreign Legion because "the legionaries have a contract with the Foreign Legion and not with a regiment".

However, this dismissal "there is no doubt", added Colonel Aubry.

This decision follows an investigation by Mediapart

claiming that about fifty French soldiers had openly displayed neo-Nazi convictions.

Qualifying as "very serious" the "elements raised" in this investigation, the Ministry of the Armed Forces assured that "no ideology contrary to the values ​​of the Republic is tolerated" in its ranks.


Neo-Nazism in the army: The ministry considers the revelations of Mediapart "very serious"

By the Web

Cyber-harassment: A journalist, harassed on the Internet by neo-Nazis, urges Macron to "take hold" of this subject

  • Mediapart

  • Foreign Legion

  • Nazi

  • Army

  • Video

  • Society