After the decision to execute two defendants ... "The Blue Boy" Tops "Twitter" ... "Long Live Justice"

The hashtag #Zarqa_boy, the social networking site "Twitter", was issued today, after the State Security Court in Jordan issued a death sentence by hanging for six of the perpetrators of the crime against the Jordanian boy, Saleh Hamdan. Several people kidnapped the boy from the city of Al-Hashemiya and transferred him to an empty area. Residents of eastern Zarqa governorate assaulted him, amputated his hands, blinded one of his eyes, and harmed the other, and left him in an empty area 7 kilometers away from the nearest hospital.

Hundreds of tweeters from different Arab countries interacted with the tag, expressing their satisfaction with the ruling issued against the criminals, indicating that justice must take its course in such a "ugly" case.

Tweeters expressed their satisfaction with the death sentence for the perpetrators of the crime against the "blue boy", describing the verdict as "just."

Another said: "The death penalty has been imposed on 5 of the perpetrators of the crime of #Zarqa_boy ... the most heinous crime that shook our hearts ... Retribution in it is the basis of justice and security, and God was with the help of the good boy."

Tweeters confirmed that the issuance of the death sentence against criminals would be a deterrent to anyone who begged him to do the same sick acts in society.

Another said: "This ruling will be a lesson for those who consider and for all those who beg themselves to practice such sick and barbaric acts."

Tweeters also found that the death sentence, despite its fairness, that those criminals deserve more than that also for what they did to the Jordanian boy, so one of them said: “The court issued its verdict, in a public session, the execution by hanging to death on 6 of the perpetrators of the crime # Boy_Zarqa .. until execution Few on them. "

Another said: "What have you benefited from your bullying and your crimes? Here you may be charged with the death penalty ... and you thought that you would not be prosecuted or punished ... !! ... The death penalty is few for those like you."

On the other hand, many observers transmitted a video clip of the "Zarqa Boy" commenting on the death sentences issued against those who committed the crime against him, saying: "Praise be to God today, 6 death sentences were passed by hanging to death. Thank you to the Jordanian government for the verdict, which he described as" "fair".

He also thanked the Jordanian boy, Saleh Hamdan, everyone who set out to take his right and the Jordanian people who stood with him and supported him during his crisis.