A video to teach "SIGNAL FOR HELP", which has millions of views around the world

A video teaching the "sign to call for help" from violence has garnered millions of views on social media during the past 24 hours, and witnessed widespread circulation through accounts that promoted it heavily.

The video includes video clips of a group of battered people asking for help by indicating that they are unable to speak so that they are not exposed to further danger.

The video has achieved more than 5 million views around the world, after it was broadcast by the account of a famous Indian chef named Harginder Singh Kukriega, who attached the video with a short phrase with the hashtag # HelpMe, during which he encouraged his followers to know the meaning of "help signal", and invites them to say, " Let us make that sign famous. "

The video footage shows that the seeker must open his palm and then join the thumb to the palm, and bend the rest of the fingers on the thumb to form a fist through which the viewer understands that it is a request for help and help.