Lu Yingliu, a 29-year-old girl from Guiyang, returned to work in Beijing after graduating from the University of Bristol in 2016. In early 2017, she unfortunately suffered quadriplegia in a car accident.

She was optimistic by nature and did not compromise with her fate. Through continuous training, she was finally able to switch from lying in bed to sitting in a wheelchair.

Although physical conditions do not allow, Lu Yingliu still maintains a heart of beauty.

She decided to "go out" of the small room and use the Internet to contact the world again.

She recorded short videos and taught netizens how to make up and dress up. Her videos became popular on the Internet.

Today, she is learning to write, and she wants to inspire more people by recording her own stories.

  Reporter Yuan Chao reports from Guiyang

Editor in charge: [Liu Xian]