Food safety has always been the focus of public attention. The theme of 315 this year is "Guarding Safe and Smooth Consumption".

  In Jiangle County, Fujian Province, since October last year, 84 food production and operation entities including centralized supervision warehouses for imported cold chain food, food production and processing enterprises, and slaughterhouses have been installed in 84 food production and operation entities, and 215 video surveillance systems have been installed to give full play to the "eyes of the sky." To improve the prevention-oriented, layer-by-layer supervision mechanism, build a smart management platform, and effectively guarantee the safety of the people on the tip of the tongue.

  In the monitoring room of the Jiangle County Market Supervision Bureau, the staff stared at the screen and kept replaying the monitoring video. Several hundred video pictures were switched in turn. This is an all-weather remote monitoring system that can check every store in real time. The monitoring screen, and the video data is stored for at least 15 days.

  Not long ago, through the monitoring platform, the local supervisory administration found that a large number of elderly people gathered in an acupuncture center in the urban area, suspected of illegal sales, and then collected evidence through recording and video collection, and finally locked the evidence of false propaganda, forming an effective evidence chain , Immediately investigate and deal with this illegal act of false propaganda.

It has been banned in accordance with the law.

(The video produced by Dong Guansheng, Yu Chengyao, Shi Zhenqiang and Wu Shengwei was sourced from Rong Media Center, Jiangle County, Fujian Province)

Editor in charge: [Tian Boqun]