It was valued at 52.5 thousand dirhams

“Abu Omar” suffers from cancer and is unable to manage school and rent arrears

(Abu Omar - Jordanian) suffers from leukemia for two years, which led to his weakness, and lost his ability to work, and the problem is that he is the only provider for his family of six, which made him unable to pay an amount of 43 thousand dirhams in arrears in rental installments, and an amount of 9,500 dirhams Tuition fees for his two sons (Noora) and (Karam), as they are currently threatened to stop completing their school studies, due to difficult financial conditions, and currently (Abu Omar) is required to pay an amount of 52 thousand and 500 dirhams, which threatens to enter prison and expel him from the house.

And (Abu Omar) is the only provider for his family, and he used to work for a private entity in Sharjah, with a salary of 5000 dirhams, and because of his leukemia, he lost his ability to work, as a result of adherence to chemotherapy sessions, and he became dependent on 2000 dirhams provided to him by one of the charitable societies in the state, and appeals to Good people and people of merciful hearts, extended a helping hand to him, and helped him find an amount of 52 thousand and 500 dirhams to save him from prison, and return (Norah) and (Karam) to their school seats.

(Abu Omar) told "Emirates Today" that his financial condition has worsened very much, after he contracted cancer two years ago, and lost the ability to perform work, as a result of undergoing chemotherapy, which led to his weakness, and his health became not conducive to performing any physical effort. And he needs to rest at home, following that he tried to work from home, but to no avail, and became without work or a source of income to support his family.

He added that his family consists of six members, and his two sons (Noura) and (Karam) are studying in one of the private schools in Sharjah, where (Noura) studies in the eighth grade, and (Karam) in the fourth grade, and they need an amount of 9500 dirhams, to be able to continue in Study them.

(Abu Omar) indicated that two years ago his financial affairs have greatly worsened and he has been unable to pay rent arrears, or manage his life matters, and he and his family are threatened with eviction from the housing, as the owner of the house demands them to pay the rent arrears amounting to 43 thousand dirhams, otherwise he will be imprisoned, and his financial conditions And difficult health precludes securing the value of rental arrears.

And he added that despite his leukemia, he is threatened with going to prison, pointing out that after he stopped working, he resorted to a charity in the country, and after studying his case, I decided to spend 2000 dirhams per month, to help him with life expenses, and this amount barely meets the requirements of life Daily for the family.

He explained that if he entered prison, his family would be without a breadwinner, and would be homeless in the streets, especially since he was unable to pay even a small portion of the rent arrears.

Abu Omar appealed to people of merciful hearts to help him find an amount of 52 thousand and 500 dirhams for rent arrears and tuition fees for (Norah) and (Karam), in order to save him from prison and return his two sons to their school seats.


Chemotherapy lose «Abu Omar» ability to work.