Why is the after-school service so loud and difficult to implement

  In 2019, students from Luwan Experimental Primary School affiliated to Shanghai Normal University participated in the after-school service course "Playing Beauty Workshop" to create art.

Photo courtesy of the interviewee

  "When I get off work at 6 pm, I have to arrive at school at more than 7 pm. There is no time to pick up the children. Our husband and wife can only take turns to take time off to pick up our daughter." Ms. Liu's daughter is in the second grade of elementary school. Thing.

There are many families who have the same troubles as Ms. Liu.

In order to solve the problem of parents’ pick-up and drop-off and reduce the burden on parents, it is recommended that schools provide after-school care services increasingly.

  Before the start of the spring semester of 2021, Lu Yugang, Director of the Department of Basic Education of the Ministry of Education pointed out at a press conference held by the Ministry of Education on February 23 that after the start of the new semester this year, full coverage of after-school services in compulsory education schools will be promoted. Every school is going to be done".

  The reporter interviewed many elementary schools in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Zhuhai and other places, and found that while the schools are actively carrying out after-school services, they are also facing realistic challenges in terms of teachers, funds, and management, which require the joint efforts of schools, families, and society. solve.

  Problem 1

  Who will teach?

  Dance ballet, play football, play music creativity, explore 3D printing... After school at 3:30 every afternoon, the campus of Shanghai Normal University Luwan Experimental Primary School (hereinafter referred to as "Lu Shi Xiao") is still full of vitality.

Starting from the spring semester of 2021, the on-campus after-school services for Shanghai elementary school students will be further upgraded. After 3:30 in the afternoon, parents will no longer emphasize the “really in need”. As long as they are “willing to stay in school”, they can participate in the on-campus after-school service to fill the “window period” ".

  As the largest public elementary school in Huangpu District, Shanghai, there are nearly 1,500 students in the first to fifth grades of Lu Shi Primary School.

The principal of the school, Yu Yiling, told reporters that 97% of the students participated in the school's after-school services this semester.

  For the question of “who will teach” after-school services that parents are concerned about, Lu Shixiao’s solution is “dual teachers”, which is also the key to the smooth operation of after-school services.

Yu Yiling said that at present the school has formed a "bishop + teaching assistant" alliance, that is, half of the school teachers and external teachers, the school teachers are mainly responsible for the organization and management of the courses, and the external teachers are responsible for the development of the professional abilities of the students and children.

  During the interview, the reporter learned that in schools that have opened after-school services, teachers mainly come from the school's teachers, purchasing services, and social institutions.

  Unlike the “dual teachers” of Lu Shi Primary School, Phoenix Primary School in Xiangzhou District of Zhuhai mainly consists of in-service teachers with teacher qualification certificates as teachers in charge of after-school services.

According to Yan Wengui, the principal of the school, there are currently 417 students participating in the afternoon and evening nursery, accounting for 26.61% of the total number of students in the school.

In the future, schools will also try to introduce third-party after-school services.

  According to Lin Longyan, the principal of the Beijing Experimental School affiliated to the China Conservatory of Music, after-school care is increasingly demanding for teachers, "not only take care of students' homework, but also do everything possible to promote the comprehensive development of students' moral, intellectual, physical, and artistic."

  Lin Longyan believes that from a long-term perspective, after-school services must be coordinated inside and outside schools, and off-campus training institutions that provide various quality courses can help schools carry out after-school services.

"For example, intangible cultural heritage experience courses, teaching students to make monkeys. Such courses are indeed beyond the scope of teachers' ability and need to hire professional teachers to implement them."

  In addition, the pressure of the teacher is also a problem that needs attention. "The teacher is not only responsible to the students, but the teacher also has his own children and family members, and the teacher's life needs must be considered."

  Problem 2

  What to teach?

  “If you can’t learn anything, it’s better to send it to an off-campus training organization.” On March 5, when filling out the school’s custody demand questionnaire, Ms. Xu hesitated. The child can only write homework in the school custody, and there are no other activities. Can't leave the classroom.

  "How to design and select high-quality course service content suitable for students is one of the difficulties in the specific implementation of after-school services." Li Zhengtao, director of the Institute of Basic Education Reform and Development of East China Normal University, believes that the after-school service content is set up, especially It is "the design and development of after-school service courses", and it is the basis for schools to implement the after-school service time extension system.

  Lu Yugang, the director of the Department of Basic Education of the Ministry of Education, stated at the press conference that the school provides after-school services and should enrich the content of after-school services, instruct students to complete their homework as much as possible in the school, help remedial tutoring with learning difficulties, and instruct students to expand their learning. Space, actively develop a variety of cultural and sports, reading, interest groups and club activities, and do our best to make students willing to stay in school to participate in after-school service activities.

  The reporter learned that the schools that currently provide after-school services have different curriculum settings.

Some schools provide special courses such as sports, dance, and fine arts, while some schools are limited by teachers and funds to provide only basic care services.

  According to Zhang Guanfei, the executive principal of the Tiantan campus of Peixin Primary School in Dongcheng District, Beijing, the school has opened more than a dozen clubs for students to choose from, including recitation, chorus, speech, volleyball, track and field, etc. Based on the characteristics of Nancheng, the school also invited the inheritors of Beijing Qinshu. Launch the piano book club.

  In this semester, 97% of the students in Lushi Primary School participated in the school after-school service, and the attrition rate of after-school care was almost zero.

The principal Yu Yiling said that this is due to the richness of the school’s characteristic courses.

  According to Yu Yiling, Lu Shixiao has launched 16 offline courses and 4 online courses to help children who are able to learn to expand. The courses include ballet, football, basketball, future problem solving, music creativity, fun mathematics, and 3D. Print, etc., "Children can learn what they want in school. The school provides a platform to cultivate children's hobbies and interests. Parents don't need to spend money to apply for extracurricular classes outside."

  "We also hope to use this platform to introduce big data analysis to help teachers do homework design and promote education and teaching reform." Yu Yiling said, as a project school of the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission's homework research project, the school is also using a research perspective to do well. After class, try to use information technology to help teachers improve their teaching ability.

  Problem 3

  Who pays?

  “There are services, there are expenditures. Inviting more professional and higher-level teachers to give students better guidance is costly.” Zhang Wanfei said that the current after-school service costs are based on government funding, and the extra part is based on government funding. To be borne by the school.

  According to media reports, at the National People’s Congress this year, the National People’s Congress and the head of Yucheng No. 2 Middle School in Ya’an City, Sichuan Province, Tuo Qingming proposed that “after-school custody services for compulsory education should be led by the government, and the government’s leadership is more than just funding. Leading in the field, as well as guidance on the policy direction, the school must undertake the corresponding basic investment, and at the same time, it must follow the principle of who benefits, who contributes funds."

  According to incomplete statistics from reporters, the policies related to after-school services issued in many places have emphasized the public welfare attributes of after-school services, focusing on financial investment, and also encouraged the exploration of diversified funding sharing mechanisms for after-school services.

  Among them, Shenzhen made it clear that after-school service funds are guaranteed by the government, and the special budget for after-school services of each school is based on the standard of 1,000 yuan per student per year as the control number.

  Relevant policies issued by Jiangsu, Sichuan, Liaoning and other places mentioned that where conditions permit, financial investment can be used to provide after-school services; where conditions do not meet the requirements, government and school support can be implemented, and parents can reasonably share operating costs. For profit.

  Zhou Hongyu, a professor at Central China Normal University, believes that school after-school services are educational services, but they are not purely market behaviors. They must emphasize their public welfare and publicity. Therefore, the government should intervene and assume responsibility to incorporate after-school trusteeship into the public service field.

First of all, provide funding guarantees for schools so that teachers’ extra efforts will be repaid. “The funding sources for primary school students’ after-school care should be mainly government grants, with price control and financial subsidies. At the same time, the content boundaries of after-school services need to be clarified. , And evaluate the service content and effects to ensure service quality."

  Written by/Beijing News reporter Qi Wang, Liu Yang, Wu Pingping, Feng Qi, Yang Feifei