It was confirmed that the crested ibis, a national special natural monument bred in Sado City, Niigata Prefecture, spawned for the first time.

Spawning was confirmed in the nests of a pair of 9-year-old males and 11-year-old females kept at the reintroduction station of the Sado Toki Conservation Center in Sado City.

According to the center, one egg was found in the nest on the evening of the 6th.

This pair is the third earliest spawning pair in the breeding crested ibis.

Kumon Kimura, director of the Sado Toki Conservation Center, said, "I am happy to have entered the breeding season. Since the bird flu infection continues, I would like to continue to carefully monitor the progress while thoroughly preventing the infection." I was talking.

Hina will be born in about 4 weeks if all goes well.