More than 250 target researchers were selected from applicants nationwide before the start of a national project to provide long-term support for young researchers to devote themselves to their research.

Since Japan is said to have lower research capabilities than Europe, the United States and China, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has set aside more than 63 billion yen as an "emergent research support project" so that researchers can concentrate on their research with free ideas. We will establish a new fund and provide young researchers with a maximum of 50 million yen as research funds for 7 years in principle.

When we solicited applicants from the new fiscal year, we received 2,537 applications from all over Japan, and 252 were selected as a result of document screening and interviews.

Tohoku University has 27 people, the University of Tokyo has 22 people, Kyoto University has 20 people, Kanazawa University has 8 people, Kumamoto University has 7 people, Tokushima University has 4 people, and so on. It means that it was done.

By age, 28% were 35 years old, 42% were 36 to 40 years old, 29% were 41 to 45 years old, 1% were 46 years old or older, and 70% of the total were 40 years old or younger. ..

The target young researchers will be divided into three sessions and a total of about 850 researchers will be selected, and the research funds will be paid annually while examining the progress.

The Japan Science and Technology Agency, which operates the business, says, "I hope that we will concentrate on our research and produce innovative results."