Former SBS announcer Kim Tae-wook has passed away.

62 years old.

Former announcer Kim Tae-wook is known to have died at home on the 4th.

Former announcer Kim served as Deputy Director of the Announcer Bureau in 2014, and after retiring from SBS as director of retirement last year, he was conducting SBS Radio'Kim Tae-wook's Good Night' as a freelancer.

After receiving the news of the obituary, the broadcast replaced the official website with a black and white picture and mourned, saying, "Please refrain from and wish the deceased a good name.

'Kim Tae-wook's Pleasant Night', held by the deceased, is reportedly scheduled to be operated only with BGM without a DJ for the time being.

Taewook Kim, a former announcer from the Department of English Language and Literature at Sogang University, joined SBS in 1991 as the 1st announcer, and hosted SBS'Nightline','News Parade', and'Live Broadcast Today'.

It is known as the youngest younger brother of actor Kim Ja-ok, who passed away while fighting cancer in 2014.

(SBS Entertainment News reporter Kang Kyung-yoon)