, Liuzhou, March 5th, title: Guangxi charity organizations are committed to caring for those who do benevolence, hope that kind people will be treated with gentleness

  Author Lin Xin

  There is a special non-governmental charity organization in Guangxi. They not only learn from "Lei Feng" to help others, they are also committed to showing care to "Lei Feng".

"Let good people get rewarded, and hope that kind people will be treated kindly." He Zhenfan, president of the Silent Good Volunteer Association of Liuzhou City, Guangxi, said on the 5th.

  Ten years ago, He Zhenfanai and a group of riders were doing charity while traveling by car.

In the long run, he sprouted the idea of ​​establishing a volunteer association.

In 2014, the Silent Good Volunteer Association was listed in Liubei District, Liuzhou City.

  He Zhenfan, who had been with volunteers for a long time, came up with an idea a few years later: "We have always been volunteers to help others, but who cares about the benevolent?" He Zhenfan said.

  He Zhenfan saw some benevolent people who lived hard for themselves to help others.

He said: "The greatest misfortune is that those who have been helping others for a long time do good deeds. When they are sick or in poverty, no one offers a helping hand."

  In 2018, the Silent Good Volunteers Association launched the "Salute to the Behaved in Difficulties" project, dedicated to providing help to those in difficulties.

According to He Zhenfan, after review, the organization will provide long-term companionship, birthday celebrations, living allowances, and wishful support to the benefactors.

  A 70-year-old volunteer in Guanyang, Guangxi, was helped by silent benevolence.

"This old man used to do public welfare before and was later bedridden because of illness. After we learned about it, we provided him with long-term companionship and regularly sent volunteers to his home to accompany him." He Zhenfan said.

  Carrying out the "Salute to Those Who Do Good in Difficulties" project can not only effectively improve the situation of individual benefactors in difficult situations, but also make good people get rewarded and reap the happiness of doing good.

  He Zhenfan remembers that on December 30, 2018, a traffic accident occurred on the Liujiang Bridge in Liuzhou City, causing the courier who stayed at the scene to rescue people to be killed.

After the courier died of good deeds, the widow and orphans were left behind.

Silently do good deeds and take the initiative to find his wife and show concern for her.

"At the beginning, she cried as soon as we went to her house, and she was very depressed." He Zhenfan said.

  After half a year of companionship and encouragement, the courier's wife slowly walked out of the haze of life and regained her confidence in life.

He Zhenfan said: “She now runs a small shop by herself, and she also joins our volunteer organization to do charity with us.”

  Today, the association has more than 2,000 registered volunteers. Silent Good Deeds believes that supporting individual good deeds in difficult situations can inspire more people in society to become good deeds. And it will stimulate and enhance the awareness and behavior of good deeds in the whole society, and then build a good society in which all people are good. (Finish)