In its annual report on the place of women in the media, the CSA points out that their proportion will stagnate in 2020, compared to 2019. If women are more visible on television than on the radio, their speaking time is still less than their attendance rate "which suggests that women always express themselves less than men", analyzes the CSA.

The proportion of women on television and radio remained stable in 2020, capping at 41% as in the previous year, according to an annual report from the Superior Audiovisual Council (CSA) published on Thursday.

Their speaking time on the air is almost similar to 2019 (35% instead of 36%) and remains lower than their attendance rate, "which suggests that with equal attendance, women always speak less than men ", analyzes the CSA.

More visibility on TV than on radio

"We are not losing ground, it is a very important signal, we are now in an irreversible movement, the company requests it", underlined Roch-Olivier Maistre, president of the CSA, during the presentation of the report.

Over the year, television offered them more visibility (43%) and speaking time (35%) than radio, which has a 39% female attendance rate for 34% speaking time.

The proportion of women on the small screen increased significantly between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. (40% compared to 33% in 2019).

On the other hand, their speaking time, automatically measured by the National Audiovisual Institute (INA), decreased on this time slot, from 37 to 35%, notes the CSA.


 Women were under-represented in the media during the coronavirus crisis

More and more experts

Encouraging sign, the rate of experts continues to increase on all antennas (+3 points to 41%), "good results to be credited to the public service on television and the private sector on radio", underlines the CSA .

The findings are more mixed for the political guests whose visibility fell in 2020 (-2 points to 31%), mainly due to "numerous interventions by male government representatives in the context of the management of the health crisis".

But, as a ricochet from the obligation of parity on the electoral lists, their presence nonetheless climbed to 45% during the campaign for the municipal elections. 

However, "the health crisis did not affect the results relating to the overall proportion of women on the branches" in 2020, says the CSA.

The CSA also welcomes "the commitment of the channels when the question of the upsurge in domestic violence in a period of confinement has arisen", by distributing "widely" the emergency number, awareness messages and relaying the " new alert system in pharmacies ".