[Explanation] Du Keyuan is a villager in Zhongzhuang Village, Yunjiakou Town, Chengdong District, Xining City, and the captain of Qinghai Deyuan Bicycle Team.

At the age of 58 this year, he looks younger than his actual age because of regular exercise.

On March 13, 2020, he and cycling enthusiasts from the same village formed the first cycling team in the village-Deyuan Bicycle Team.

 [Explanation] Du Keyuan said that the team started with only a few people, but the cycling team gradually grew.

Most of the members of the team are over 50 years old, and the largest member of the team is 72 years old this year.

Their original intention of riding is to pursue health and happiness, and do not want to cause trouble to their children.

 [Concurrent] Du Keyuan, captain of Deyuan Bicycle Team, Chengdong District, Xining City

 We ride, one is for health, one is for happiness, and the other is to reduce the burden on our children.

 [Explanation] After the cycling team was established, villagers joined in one after another.

The team was established less than a year ago, and the team has now reached 50.

Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday are cycling days.

Nowadays, people who ride bikes every day have not only lost a lot of weight, but also the "three highs" status has been significantly improved, and various physical indicators have gradually become normal.

 [Concurrent] Du Keyuan, captain of Deyuan Bicycle Team, Chengdong District, Xining City

 At the most serious time, one day is high blood lipids and high blood pressure, blood pressure is 120-160, and later developed into high blood sugar, now basically blood pressure and blood lipids are all right.

 [Explanation] In the year the team was established, the team members often went to the surrounding counties and cities to ride far, which not only reduced their weight, but also greatly improved their physical fitness.

 [Concurrent] Zhang Shengjian, member of Deyuan Cycling Team, Chengdong District, Xining City

 Slowly and slowly, it seems that I went up to 3,45 (altitude), but I didn’t respond anyway. Now, I used to go up to 3, 000 altitude and it didn’t work. I used to go up and my mouth and face were green. Now after cycling and exercising, everything is fine. Up.

 [Explanation] Team member Ma Yaping said that because of the improvement of the green roads in the surrounding rivers, the riding became smoother and more comfortable.

 [Concurrent] Ma Yaping, a member of Deyuan Cycling Team, Chengdong District, Xining City

 Now, whether it’s the road or the greening, the road is really honest to us cyclists. This road is true. There is a safe road to go safely. Look at the Xiaoxiakou road, and then that Help each other, the increase lane on the other side is really well repaired, really good.

 [Explanation] In addition to daily meeting and riding together, the team also organizes various team activities.

The diverse activities not only enhance the cohesion of the team, but also broaden the horizons of the team members.

 [Explanation] Deyuan Cycling Team not only enriches the amateur life of the villagers in Zhongzhuang, but also advocates a healthy lifestyle at the moment, so that the villagers enjoy it, while riding out of health and spirit.

 Report from Qinghai by Chen Qifeng

Editor in charge: [Zhang Kaixin]