
Around every third German adult suffers from high blood pressure.

From retirement age, it is even two thirds of people.

Because the symptoms often show up late, many people do not even suspect that they are suffering from dangerous conditions.

Because hypertension, as the specialist calls it, is associated with a greatly increased risk of diseases such as heart attacks, strokes, kidney problems and blindness.

Another dreaded complication is the so-called heart failure.

The organ is so tired and "worn out" by working against the high pressure in the vessels that it increasingly loses its strength.

The result: it is no longer able to pump sufficient blood into the body.

An estimated 1.5 million people in Germany suffer from this so-called heart failure.

Heart transplant as a last resort

Other possible causes for the decrease in pumping performance are, for example: heart attack, myocarditis or arrhythmias.

Physical training or tablets often help.

In the worst case, the weakness can worsen to the point that an artificial heart or even a transplant may be necessary.


Do you have any questions about the diagnosis or treatment of high blood pressure and heart failure?

What would you ask us to find out for you?

In a series of specialist interviews, we have the opportunity to ask your questions to one of our selected experts.

After the clinical pictures diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome and asthma, we will devote ourselves to these clinical pictures in the next part.

We only have one request: formulate your questions in such a way that they are not only of personal but also of general interest.

Please understand, but otherwise it will be difficult to include this in the interview.

Please send us your questions by email to: Gesundheit@welt.de.

We will include selected questions in the interview.