A video of similar Mishary Al-Balam sweeping social networking sites

During the past 24 hours, social media has been swept by shots of a young man selling fish in a neighborhood in the Turkish capital, whose features closely resemble those of the late Kuwaiti artist Mishary Al-Balam.

With the clips, which appeared widely on the application "Tik Tok", comments remembering the late Balam, his distinctive smile, and his beautiful appearance on the screen throughout the past years of his life.

The pioneers of social networks transmitted conflicting information about the young man who resembles the late Mishari Al-Balam, but confirmation of his presence in Turkey was the only thing they had in common.

Followers said that the video captureer's love for the late artist Mishari Al-Balam led him to stand in front of this young Turkish man and quickly transmit the video via Tik Tok, happy to see the features of the "Balam" alive in front of him, despite the fact that it is on the body and soul of another person.

The lookalike possesses the same length and the shape of thick hair and the skin color of Mishari Al-Balam, and the original videographer said that the young Turki has the same traits as the late one, such as a kind heart and good manners.