Three times the speed of drama: people chase drama, or drama chase people

  Newspaper and Magazine Guangming Daily

Wednesday March 3rd, 2021

  Author: Kong Dewei

, "Guangming Daily" (March 3, 2021 13th Edition)

  During the Spring Festival, many people rarely take time off and start the mode of playing drama and variety shows.

Maybe you will suddenly find that there is a triple speed option in the double speed mode at a certain moment, and maybe you will feel the magic of it with the attitude of trying it.

  Some people can't help asking, what's wrong with us?

Do you have to be so anxious about playing drama as an entertainment pastime?

TV series are getting longer and longer, variety shows are getting bloated, and audiences are getting more and more anxious. The speed mode has changed from double to double, from double to triple, TV series from more than 20 episodes to 70 to 80 episodes, and variety shows from more than one. From the hour to the next two hours in each episode, the audience chased the duration at double speed, and the duration in turn chased double speed with longer duration. Whether people are chasing the drama or the drama is chasing people, the vicious circle of you chasing me is obviously all The point is wrong.

  In fact, the double-speed mode is not a new thing, and it is not a technical problem at the moment.

As early as many years ago, the judicial examination (later changed to the legal examination), the Zhuhui examination and other online course software already had the option of double speed and triple speed.

The double-speed mode of online courses was originally designed to meet the needs of individualized learning of test takers. Different test takers have different learning abilities and understanding abilities, and their learning stages are also different.

Some people have tight learning time, but they have a good foundation and strong learning ability. When the double speed or even triple speed mode is turned on, they can learn and understand thoroughly, and even have better results and more concentrated attention; when someone repeats the lesson, they will also choose double speed to achieve quick review Effect.

Of course, correspondingly, there is also a deceleration mode on the online course software.

  When the double speed mode first appeared on the video platform, it was undoubtedly an additional choice for the audience. Just like the fast forward button on the DVD, it allows the audience to realize the freedom of watching the drama, which is the convenience brought by the technological advancement to the audience.

However, the time battle in the field of TV dramas quickly made us aware of the two sides of the problem.

The 70-80 episodes of "water injection drama" quickly became a trend. The TV series successfully diluted twice the speed with the length, and everyone quickly realized that even if the speed is ten times, it is difficult to keep up with the expansion speed of the TV series.

The scary thing is that more and more TV shows often broadcast more than a dozen episodes. The day in the show is not over, the plot is not enough, and the audience can't open the double-speed mode when watching the show is simply a mental torture.

At this time, the actor's acting skills, TV series selection, background music, etc. are not important. The only thing worth paying attention to is "what happened?"

What's more terrifying is that for a long time, such dramas have been rampant, and it is difficult to find a new TV series without playing long routines.

  Some people say that the blind increase in the length of variety shows is the result of the "true transmission" of TV dramas, especially during the epidemic period, some capital investment in TV dramas began to tilt into variety shows, and the "blood injection" also brought the virus to variety shows.

From a certain period of time, variety shows have produced two episodes one after another, and they are dubbed "audience welfare".

At the beginning, the audience did feel the short-lived pleasure brought by time.

But they soon discovered that whether it was a draft or a music competition or a comedy variety show, every contestant or guest became a storyteller, crying, making trouble, selling badly, quarreling, some trivial, boring, and random. The edited clips piled up more and more uncontrollable lengths of time, and the audience began to switch back and forth between the double speed mode and the fast forward mode, while complaining about the hatefulness of "watering", and patiently being a "melon-eating crowd".

The audience opens at double speeds and the variety shows increase in time. The faster the audience, the longer the variety shows. Nowadays, the average duration of the first and second episodes of many variety shows has reached two hours. The tragedy that once looped endlessly in the field of TV dramas is repeated in the field of variety shows.

  Whether the emergence of the triple speed mode is good or bad cannot be determined, but we have to think about a question, what's wrong with us?

Are the viewers in a hurry or the video exporter?

In fact, relevant departments have also paid attention to the adverse effects brought about by this vicious circle.

In February last year, the State Administration of Radio and Television issued the "Notice on Further Strengthening the Management of the Creation and Production of TV Series Network Dramas", regulating the issue of "water injection dramas", guiding the TV drama industry to shift from blindly increasing quantity to improving quality, and encouraging production Fine short series, squeeze out the moisture.

Afterwards, 12 episodes of "Chinatown Detective", 18 episodes of "Longling Miku", 12 episodes of "I Am Yu Huanshui", 12 episodes of "The Hidden Corner", 12 episodes of "Ten Day Game" and so on appeared one after another. These hit short dramas have largely reversed the gradual deformity of TV drama creation routines. Most viewers not only do not use double speeds, but can even rewrite every detail in the drama over and over again.

For example, in "The Hidden Corner", even the audience at the beginning of the animation do not want to miss a second. The actors' acting skills and portrayal details will naturally be paid attention to. The lines in the play and the actors' out of the circle are all made by the main creative team. The result of pondering.

  In contrast to the contradiction between people chasing drama and drama chasing people, we don't need to shy away from the word "impatient".

It used to be a formal affair for many people. It was necessary to squeeze time, prepare melon seeds and potato chips, and even adjust the lighting to enjoy high-quality TV shows or variety shows.

But now, the drama has become the volume, I want to watch everything and don't care about anything.

The TV drama and variety show market is even more impetuous. One phenomenon is on fire, and other people rush into it, until a bad habit is achieved to the extreme, and a resource is thoroughly eaten and squeezed.

We have no right to ask the audience what to watch, what not to watch, or how to watch, but as the exporter of literary and artistic works, if the TV drama industry and the variety show industry want to go further, they should regard the production of high-quality goods as the eternal direction. People can Chasing dramas, dramas can also chase people, but not with time, but with more quality products.

(Author: Kong Dewei, Lecturer, Department of the Art Institute of Hubei University)