French President Emmanuel Macron during a new meeting with members of the citizens' climate convention on December 14.


Jacques Witt / SIPA

The Citizen's Convention for the Climate (CCC) severely judged on Sunday the "taking into account" of its proposals by the government, taking into account which never obtained the average during a series of votes on the six major themes of measures.

Of the 150 "citizens" initially drawn, 119 were registered for this final vote, during a session held by videoconference, health crisis requires.

Below average scores for most measurements

The “housing” theme obtained an average of 3.4 out of 10, “producing and working”, “eating” and “getting around” 3.7 each, consuming 4, and the proposals on governance 4.1, in a series of votes organized during the last session of this convention, an exercise in participatory democracy unprecedented in France.

Few of the measurements obtained the average.

The reform of article 1 of the Constitution to introduce the fight against climate change, for example, received a score of 6.1.

But the translation of other emblematic objectives of the CCC was harshly judged: "to limit the harmful effects of air transport" obtained 2.8 on average, or the introduction into law of an "ecocide" offense, lower compared to the Convention proposal, with a score of 2.7.

Convention members still have to vote to answer four more general questions in the afternoon, taking stock of the exercise.

Measures in the recovery plan, the budget and the Climate and Resilience Bill

Emmanuel Macron had decided to create the CCC at the end of the yellow vests crisis, born of a carbon tax on fuels perceived as unfair.

Its mission: to propose measures making it possible to "reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40% (compared to 1990) by 2030 in a spirit of social justice".

Started in October 2019, the CCC submitted in June, at the end of a calendar upset by the Covid-19, some 149 proposals to the President of the Republic, who rejected three of them and undertook to transmit the others "without filter ”.

The government has recorded 75 measures implemented and 71 in the process of being implemented.

Some have found a place in the recovery plan or the budget, others in decrees and a quarantine in the Climate and Resilience bill, which will be debated in the Assembly at the end of March.


Citizen's Climate Convention: Home stretch for the 150 members


Climate and resilience bill: The High Council for the climate, too, remains hungry

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