"Uncle Da is gone..." The well-known comedian Wu Mengda died of illness in Hong Kong on February 27, leaving many netizens in Hong Kong and the Mainland into grief.

This is because the countless classic roles he has created have brought joy and thinking to the audience and accompanied the youth of generations.

Although he played a supporting role all his life, Uncle Da has never been perfunctory to the role. "When an actor can do it, I will do my best." This makes people see the professionalism of a actor and also feel his artistic pursuit.

  In real life, Uncle Da is never perfunctory.

The last Weibo left by him read "I am Chinese", which made countless netizens pay tribute.

Through these short five words, people understood his simple and natural love for the country.

  Uncle Da is Chinese, and his love for the motherland represents the mainstream values ​​of Hong Kong compatriots.

The audience cherishes and respects Uncle Da not only because of his superb acting skills, but more importantly because he has a clean, hot patriotism, as some netizens said: "Art knows no borders, and artists have a motherland."

  However, even this purest patriotic sentiment can actually poke the soreness of some young people in Hong Kong.

After Wu Mengda's death, a few people used social media in Hong Kong shamelessly, splashing dirty water, labeling, and doing everything.

This manipulation once again revealed that they will have no humanity and no bottom line when they meet in China, and their hatred of the patriots has reached the point of madness.

  The more these people attacked the patriot, the more it reflected that Uncle Da was righteous; the more embarrassed and angry, the more uncle Da had a tall personality.

In fact, in Hong Kong, people who are as patriotic as Uncle Da are the majority. They may not all be bright stars, or they may never have made vigorous actions, but they are never confused before the big things.

  The biggest thing in being a human being is "to know how to be patriotic."

Wu Mengda played a supporting role all his life, but when it comes to patriotism, he has always been the protagonist.

On the stage of Hong Kong, Uncle Da, the patriot, and those who love the country, will always be the protagonists!

The emotions flowing in their blood can allow them to draw a clear line between the anti-China chaos in Hong Kong, join hands, back to the motherland, protect Hong Kong, and build their homeland.