A documentary broadcast on February 26 on Apple TV traces three years in the life of the young American singer Billie Eilish, aged 19 today.

Her music tells of her anxieties, her discomfort, which she shares with a large part of the youth.

What if thanks to the music of Billie Eilish we could better understand a whole generation?

The 19-year-old American singer shares in her songs an evil that she seems to share with a large part of the youth.

A documentary broadcast on February 26 on Apple TV plunges into the half-pop, half-gothic universe of the young Californian star.

The director of the film followed Billie Eilish for three years, filming all kinds of scenes from her daily life, in her bedroom, on tour, on stage.

We also see her mother, concerned about some of his songs, like

Listen before I go


Listen before I left

), written as a suicide note.

"It is thanks to this song that I do not do it", replies the young woman.

Billie Eilish has become a pop icon for the youngest with her music and gothic with her lyrics.

She talks about her night terrors, her anxiety and her boredom. 

"I find myself in what she says"

Questioned by Europe 1 Axelle, 18, listens to her when she is not well because the singer puts words on her anxieties.

"I find myself in what she says. It allows us to escape a little when we are not very well in our life. Talking about when we are doing badly also becomes much less taboo. She represents our generation well."

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The singer ultimately allows adolescents to feel less alone, explains Vincent Cornalba, psychologist and author of the book

The adolescent and his music


"Adolescence is made up of a lot of worries, of unknowns. We will identify a lot with the words that touch us, we can even have the impression that they were written for us. Which is a great relief."

The name of the documentary also conveys a whole state of mind. 

The world is a bit hazy,

he says.