The weather will be "steadily high" starting three days today, and the rain and snow will come again at the end of the month!

  Client reporter Luo Qianwen of Beijing Daily

  After experiencing the cold air once, starting today for 3 consecutive days, the temperature entered the warming channel, and it rose day by day.

The public should pay attention to the upcoming weather forecast and add or remove clothing in time.

  At present, the weather in Beijing is in the transitional period from the coldness of late winter to the warmth of early spring. The air-conditioning and heating troupes are constantly tug of war.

Starting today, the temperature in Beijing slowly rebounded from the bottom of the valley and entered the warming channel.

  Already in the "eight or nine days" of the capital, although it has not officially entered the spring, the cold air is already at the end of the "strong crossbow", the so-called "seven nine rivers open, eight nine swallows".

Today, the weather in Beijing turned fine and the temperature continued to rise. The highest temperature finally climbed back to a double-digit 10°C, but it is still too early for the spring flowers to bloom.

Two days after tomorrow, the highest temperature is expected to reach 12°C, which is significantly warmer than the previous two days.

  However, the warm and cold air is still competing.

It is expected that there will be a rain and snow in Beijing from the night of the 27th to the 28th.

The weather in Beijing turned overcast on the 28th, the sun receded, and the temperature dropped to single digits. The cold weather returned to its original form. The issue of warmth cannot be ignored.

Starting on March 3, the warming channel opened again and warmth returned.

  The Meteorological Department reminded that the temperature will gradually increase from 3 today, but it will still be cold sooner or later.

Recently, the cold air is frequent and the temperature fluctuates greatly. The public needs to pay attention to the upcoming weather forecast and increase or decrease clothing in time to avoid catching a cold.