Is it legal in a democratic society to deprive a person of fundamental civil rights without trial and investigation?

Believe it or not, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany is firmly convinced that it is not only legitimate, but also very desirable.

After rereading this sentence, I checked the news agency feeds three times just in case.

Maybe I imagined something?

Maybe I misunderstood something?

Maybe I confused our reality with some kind of political thriller in the genre of dystopia?

But each of these tests was negative.

The meaning of the messages about the statement of the FRG Foreign Ministry remained the same. 

Judge for yourself: "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany believes that the measures taken against the head of the political council of the Ukrainian party" Opposition Platform - For Life "Viktor Medvedchuk do not violate the basic principles of the OSCE and the Council of Europe."

The department said: “The sanctions against Viktor Medvedchuk and seven other people, as well as 19 companies, are based on the elements of the crime“ Financing of terrorism ”in accordance with Ukrainian criminal law.

Today, as far as we know, Ukraine's actions are based on a legal basis, which, in principle, does not violate the laws and decisions of the OSCE or the Council of Europe. " 

Thanks to the German diplomats for this reservation - "as far as we know."

It indicates that the officials of the German diplomatic department have not yet completely forgotten how to blush when the situation calls for it.

However, no, I take my thanks back.

You should only thank for a quality product.

And what we were "pleased" with at the German Foreign Ministry is a reservation not even of the second, but of the third freshness.

Ay, German diplomats specializing in Ukrainian issues!

Isn't it time for you to go on an internship with some luxury fig leaf maker ?!

It's time, my friends, it's time!

You definitely cannot do without urgent professional help from real craftsmen and luminaries of the genre! 

Why am I angry and just gushing with barbs?

Because I just can't get out of the state of shock.

It also pains me excruciatingly during the time I spent aimlessly and senselessly listening to sermons about democracy and the "rule of law" from Western politicians and diplomats.

If time were “possible to turn back,” I would spend those minutes, hours, days and weeks of my life on something more useful.

For example, learning to play the violin or looking for Bigfoot.

But time is almost the only resource that is truly non-renewable. 

Therefore, we now have what we have.

And we have, in my opinion, the following.

I am not a deep expert on the “basic principles of the OSCE and the Council of Europe”.

But I am familiar with such a document as the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights", which was adopted by the UN General Assembly back in December 1948. 

I strongly recommend that the FRG Foreign Ministry staff read this document as well.

Perhaps they will find there a lot of new and unexpected for themselves.

In order to save time for German “colleagues and friends”, here are some excerpts from the Universal Declaration: “All people are equal before the law and have the right, without any distinction, to equal protection of the law.

All people have the right to equal protection against any discrimination that violates this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination. ” 

“Every person, in order to determine his rights and obligations and to determine the validity of the criminal charge brought against him, has the right, on the basis of full equality, to have his case examined publicly and in compliance with all requirements of justice by an independent and impartial court.

Every person accused of committing a crime has the right to be presumed innocent until his guilt is established legally through a public trial, in which he is provided with all the opportunities for defense. "

Interesting reading, isn't it?

Interesting and unrelated to how the Ukrainian authorities dealt with Viktor Medvedchuk.

It is only strange that the German Foreign Ministry does not see this obvious fact point blank.

Or maybe he sees, but does not want to admit it?

I have too much respect for the German diplomatic school to accuse its current graduates of ignorance and legal illiteracy.

It turns out that there is actually no alternative to the option that I mentioned last.

The German Foreign Ministry sees everything, understands everything, but due to opportunistic political reasons, it is shy to say it out loud. 

But are the “sacred principles of democracy” truly universal if those who proclaim them attribute them only to those who pursue a political line that is favorable to them?

It does not smell of universalism, and neither does principles.

A long time ago, exchanging dollars for rubles at an exchange office, I received a so-called doll instead of a pack of real banknotes.

I perfectly remember my feelings of that time.

And do you know why I remember them perfectly?

Because I am experiencing them again now.

For many years, instead of universal principles, they slipped a doll and a dummy to us.

Thank you - real this time - to the German Foreign Ministry for opening our eyes to this sad circumstance in such a spectacular way.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.