Questioned by an auditor, the sex therapist and psychoanalyst Catherine Blanc evokes male pleasure on Wednesday in "Sans Rendez-vous" on Europe 1. Some ejaculations are very fast, others much longer to come.

Should we be concerned about these variations in tempo?

Male orgasm has often been described as being more mechanical than female orgasm.

Man would be able to enjoy more easily, from a simple physical simulation.

However, some ejaculations can take much longer to come than others.

Why ?

On Wednesday, the sexologist and psychoanalyst Catherine Blanc explains to a listener who wonders about this point, in "Sans Rendez-Vous" on Europe 1, that it is quite normal not to enjoy a relationship with other, at the same time.


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The question of the auditor

I have noticed throughout my experiences that I never enjoy at the same speed.

Sometimes it takes me an hour and sometimes it takes a minute to do it.

Why ?

Catherine Blanc's response

Welcome to the world of humans!

We are not machines and that is happy.

It depends on the time you have in front of you, the degree of excitement.

It depends on what is going on in the relationship at the time, but also on what we have absorbed, eaten and which makes us more or less able to contain ourselves or not.

Drinking alcohol, or smoking something, can also change your relationship with your body.

There are times when we are in very different emotions: anxious, angry, etc.

The body is in tune with all of this.

Things also change from partner to partner, because the stakes are different.

Let's stop wanting to imagine that a man is in perfect mechanics!

Can some positions promote ejaculation and others less?

Depending on the position, there are not the same issues.

There is not the same anxiety possible because there are positions that allow more freedom and autonomy, and others that can be perceived as domination.

More responsibility, more anxiety towards the other, therefore.

And then there is also a musculature which is not brought into play in the same way.

It can be rather quick to control ejaculation or, on the contrary, to rapid ejaculation.

Another element to take into account: lubrication and the comfort, or discomfort, of penetration.

Squirting after a minute, is it premature ejaculation?

Physiologically, a man is made to be a rapid ejaculator.

As long as everyone meets their desires, all is well.

This is the whole difficulty of defining premature ejaculation.

Early compared to what?

Compared to my pleasure?

In relation to the pleasure of my partner?