Drug-related control of young migrant workers is imminent

  □ Our reporter Fan Tianjiao

  □ Correspondent Wang Haigen Qin Gengyun

  Not long ago, the Fanchang Branch of the Public Security Bureau of Wuhu City in Anhui Province cracked a drug trafficking case.

After investigation, the drug dealer Tian sold drugs to many places across the country by express delivery. After that, the task force traveled to many provinces and arrested 15 suspects who bought drugs and seized more than 2,200 grams of finished cannabis drugs.

What is shocking is that out of the 15 arrested, 13 of them were young migrant workers.

  Drug-related crimes among young rural migrant workers have increased significantly, which is a new trend in drug-related crimes.

A reporter from the "Rules of Law Daily" recently learned from the Wuhu Public Security Bureau in Anhui Province that in recent years, public security agencies have continuously increased their crackdowns on drug-related crimes, but drug-related crimes have continued to be banned repeatedly.

In particular, the increase in drug-related problems among rural migrant workers in rural areas is not to be underestimated, and it has brought many challenges to public security organs' prosecution work. It is urgent to strengthen the management and control of drug-related problems among rural migrant workers in rural areas.

One person infects everyone

  According to the investigation by the Narcotics Control Office of Fanchang District, Wuhu City, the number of drug addicts captured by the three police stations in Eshan, Chengguan, and Suncun alone increased from 18 in 2017 to 36 in 2020. Among them, the number of young migrant workers from rural areas increased from 12. To 23 people, more than 90% are taking new drugs.

In the past six years, among the various drug-related cases investigated and dealt with in Fanchang District, the proportion of young rural migrant workers involved in drugs has also been increasing year by year, which is worrying.

  "Many young migrant workers in cities live in groups. Once someone takes drugs and everyone is familiar with it, it is easy to cause one person to take drugs and everyone will follow suit." said Zhang Bing, deputy director of the Anti-drug Office of Fanchang District, Wuhu City. With low prices, low prices, and high profits, many "novices" choose new drugs with the psychology of trying it out without becoming addicted. As a result, traditional drug crimes are decreasing year by year, and new drug crimes are increasing year by year.

  The Wuhu police once found a drug abuse case in a construction shed, involving more than 20 people.

After investigation, the more than 20 drug addicts were all from the same township in other provinces.

At the beginning of the year, a young man took drugs out of curiosity. As a result, under his influence, 80% of the villagers living in the same shed also started taking drugs.

  "Drugs are infinitely harmful. It not only destroys people's normal physiological function and immune function, but also causes people to contract many diseases, leading to mental depression, confusion, loss of personal dignity, and economically ruining a family." The policeman handling the case said. What’s more serious is that once a young migrant worker in a city catches drugs, his mental depression leads to the loss of his job and income. Examples of crimes such as theft, robbery, and even drug trafficking are everywhere.

The fluke gets deeper and deeper

  Zhao Xiaopeng, director of the Eshan Police Station of the Fanchang Sub-bureau, has handled many drug-related cases among young migrant workers. In his view, the increase in drug-related issues among young migrant workers from rural areas is caused by multiple factors.

  “Many young migrant workers are left unattended after entering the city, and there is a problem of making friends inadvertently.” Zhao Xiaopeng said, some of them are young people who have just walked out of school. Once they are far away from their families, enter the society prematurely, and make contact with bad "friend circles", it is easy Contaminated with drugs.

They have no fixed jobs, they do odd jobs everywhere, and they are all strangers from all over the world. If they make a friend who takes drugs, over time, some will be dragged down the road to drug use.

  Zhao Xiaopeng said that at the beginning, they all just wanted to "try a taste" and "suck and play", but driven by the fluke mentality that it would be OK to try it, they eventually fell deeper and deeper.

  "There are also young migrant workers who participate in drug abuse due to work pressure and mental emptiness. Although this situation is not high, it should be paid enough attention." Zhang Bing said.

  The police handling the case believes that the current society is not strong enough to publicize the harmfulness of new drugs, and many young people who work in cities are not vigilant at all and are easily deceived by criminals to take drugs.

  "After years of anti-drug propaganda, the harm caused by heroin smoking has been widely known and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. With regard to the use of new drugs, some people have misunderstandings such as harmless to the body, can relieve boredom and relieve worries, and criminals have ulterior motives in marketing. Under the circumstances, it exists in large numbers and continues to spread." Zhao Xiaopeng said.

Strengthen control and prevent drug abuse

  As more and more rural youth enter cities to work, how to strengthen the management and control of drug-related problems among rural migrant young workers has become an urgent problem.

  Yang Liu, deputy director of the Suncun Police Station of the Fanchang Branch, who has been working at the grassroots level for a long time, believes that the police station in the household registration area should strengthen the source promotion. During the annual New Year migrant worker recruitment period, the police station should use this as an opportunity to carry out anti-drug propaganda at the recruitment site and persuade migrant workers to enter the city. Young people cherish their lives and stay away from drugs; secondly, police from local police stations must not only enter construction sites and enterprises to carry out various forms of anti-drug propaganda, but also establish a responsibility system and strengthen the management of mobile personnel.

  Young migrant workers from rural areas live in rental housing, and most of them live in groups. Therefore, strengthening the control and inspection of rental housing is a top priority.

Yang Liu said that the local police station should not only conduct surprise inspections of rental houses on a regular basis to prevent the renters from taking drugs. For suspicious phenomena, it is necessary to take the initiative to contact the police station of the original residence to investigate the source of drugs, and establish a city entrance. The accounting system for young migrant workers provides an overview of newly recruited workers and effectively prevents them from taking drugs.

  In short, the public security organs should give full play to their role as the main anti-drug force, actively cooperate with enterprises and industry management departments to conduct surprise inspections of places and enterprises where there are more young migrant workers from rural areas, and carry out regular inspections of entertainment and leisure places that are prone to drug problems. A group of drug dealers hidden behind the scenes were uncovered, a group of drug cases were cracked, the chain of online drug trafficking was cut off, and a group of drug trafficking and drug abuse dens were destroyed.

Severe penalties are imposed on illegal businesses that organize, coerce, abet, induce, deceive, and host drug abuse and trafficking activities, and dig deeper and crack down on the umbrella of drug-related crimes, truly discover together, strike together, and form a powerful deterrent.