China News Service, Shenyang, February 19 (Han Hong) The Liaoning Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology announced on the 19th that the 2020 Koguryo ruins survey in Tieling area involved 15 city sites, 8 tombs, and 5 sites. Among them, Koguryo can be confirmed. There are 7 castle sites in the period, 8 tombs in the Goguryeo period, and 5 sites in the Goguryeo period.

  According to reports, among the city sites, tombs and ruins involved in this investigation, it can be confirmed that: 7 city sites in the Goguryeo period (Cuizhenbao Mountain City, Zhanglouzi Mountain City, Xilongwan Mountain City, Majiazhai Mountain City, Longtan Temple Mountain City, Guchengzi Mountain City , Chengzishan Mountain City); 8 tombs in the Goguryeo period (Shuanglongquan Tombs, Chaihebao Tombs, Nangou Tombs, Building Materials Factory Stone Tombs, Guanliangjiao Beiji Stone Tombs, Deming Stone Tombs, Deming Henan Stone Tombs, Dalishugou Stone Tombs); 5 sites in the Goguryeo period (Yingpan Sandaoqiang site, Houjingzidi site, Houhegou Beidi site, building materials site site, Dexian site).

  At the same time, on the basis of confirming the number of Goguryeo ruins in the Tieling area, this survey conducted a comprehensive and detailed record of the existing conditions of the ruins, and carried out aeromodelling and mapping of all the city sites and drawing of the plan and topographical maps for future archaeological excavations. And laid the foundation for cultural relic protection.

  According to the Liaoning Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, a large number of relics were collected during the investigation of the Goguryeo ruins in Tieling area. Combining the masonry craftsmanship of the mountain city wall and the age of the collection of the relics, the age of the construction and use of the Koguryo mountain city in this area is mostly in the late Goguryeo.

In addition, useful tiles have been found in all mountain cities and individual sites in this area, and the number is huge. This may reflect the great development of social productivity in the late Goguryeo period, which is very different from the early and middle mountain cities in Benxi and Fushun.

  In addition, this year’s survey paid special attention to the investigation of related sites and cemeteries around Goguryeo Mountain Fortress. For example, around the Xilongwan Mountain Fortress and the Chengzi Mountain Fortress, sites and tomb groups that may be at the same time as the Mountain Fortress were discovered around the castle site. The whole picture provides new material.
