The founder of Microsoft, a notable philanthropist and a terrible rich man (fortune - $ 120 billion) Bill Gates enthusiastically devoted himself to promoting an ecological green world.

He said that in order to fight to reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere, he fueled his personal plane with ecological kerosene, which costs three times more than ordinary kerosene - it remained, however, unclear whether it burns in the engine without emitting carbon dioxide or still with selection. 

And in his new book, Avoiding Climate Disaster, Bill Gates spoke about the technological breakthroughs and policy initiatives needed to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions.

The most important thing here is changing the diet.

People in developed countries should give up meat: “I don't think the 80 poorest countries will eat synthetic meat.

But I do believe that all rich countries should completely switch to artificial beef.

You can get used to the difference in taste, especially since manufacturers will improve it over time. "

It is unclear, however, why, since such a booze has gone, it is impossible to completely switch to a lean diet.

After all, schema monks do not eat meat at all and remarkably grow in strength of spirit. 

We also need other technologies and breakthrough solutions, as a result of which the production of steel and cement will become hydrocarbon-free.

We will cook steel and burn out Portland cement, but without any greenhouse gases and thermal pollution.

Actually, you can't boil a kettle without thermal pollution - these are the basic principles of thermodynamics, but advanced ecological thinking does not bother with a school physics course.

And also chemistry.

Moreover, the reform of education helps the cause. 

And so, in essence, nothing new.

Greta Thunberg says the same thing.

The only difference is that Bill Gates is almost four times older.

Greta is eighteen, and Gates is finishing seventh.

Well, again, he is a little richer than Greta.

The rest is that old, that small.

True, Greta can still come to mind - this happens sometimes.

Whereas the old man who declared jihad on cattle is no longer treated. 

Hot covid dissidents, fighters against the world behind the scenes, etc.

For a long time already called the founder of Microsoft an insidious reptilian, under the guise of philanthropy building insidious intrigues and cherishing monstrous plans.

Fighters against the world's reptilians are also a public, but there is a simple way to protect yourself from fantastic insinuations.

Excommunicated from the bed of the Empress, Count G.G.

Orlov, living in retirement in Moscow, somehow got into a conversation with an official who complained to him that he was being pestered with speeches, as if he was taking bribes.

“Yes, yes,” the count warmly supported.

- They said the same about me.

But what is surprising: as soon as I stopped taking, they stopped talking. "

That is, if you do not want to be called a reptilian, do not behave like him.

Which, in principle, is not so difficult.

There are quite a few rich people on the Forbes list, but those who graze nations and, all the more, who do it in an ignorant and contradictory way - there is a clear minority there.

It does not follow from this that those who do not graze are completely beneficent people.

Domestic oligarchs Pn, Fn, M-v, T-ko, R-g and others may not even be without guile and even build all sorts of behind-the-scenes intrigues, but they are smart enough not to be like Greta Thunberg. 

But here, of course, a lot depends on the individual temperament.

Some rich people are guided by the principle "You are your own supreme court, you will be able to appreciate your work best of all."

And also capital.

PR and hype are superfluous when numbers with many zeros speak for themselves. 

Others are devoured by the demon of vanity.

The famous currency speculator Soros achieved extraordinary success in his field.

Collapsing the pound sterling (not counting all the little things like the Swedish krona), as he did in 1992, is an act of considerable art and is also very profitable.

But ambition did not allow him to be content with this.

Becoming a reptilian philanthropist, overthrowing thrones and teaching peoples the ideas of an open society - that was what attracted his rebellious soul.

As a result, the name of Soros became a pretty bogey and even an asshole, but "the rumor about me spread throughout all of Russia, and every language in it will call me." 

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It's the same with Gates.

You cannot call him a computer genius, his opus magnum Windows OS is both conceptual and practical execution rather lopsided, but his commercial genius, thanks to which Windows filled everything and took in scope and reach, this genius was remarkable.

As if a car of the Moskvich system would conquer 80% of the world market and become a monopolist.

It would seem enough that Gates was able to repeat - but at a much stronger level - the success of IBM, which in the 1960s and 1970s similarly monopolized the computer market. 

But the signs of outward obedience - "Gimnyuk, not a gymnyuk, but you will listen standing up" - was not enough for the ambitious Gates.

He wanted and now wants human glory and admiration, wants to be not a businessman (besides now retired), but a guru and teacher.

And for such passions overwhelming him, innocent edible cattle must pay off.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.