TF1 is celebrating 40 years of the creation of the name "television news".

On this occasion, the journalist and presenter of JT Anne-Claire Coudray is the guest of "Culture Médias", Tuesday.

She explains how TF1 works to attract young people to information.

A profitable strategy according to a recent survey commissioned by the channel.


It has been 40 years since TF1 news newspapers are no longer called "TF1 actualités" but "televised news".

An anniversary celebrated by the channel, which takes the opportunity to announce its strategy of conquering new digital audiences.

Journalist Anne-Claire Coudray explains in

Culture Médias on 


how the channel tries to attract those under 30 to its news, an audience whose reactions she is monitoring on Twitter.

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A robot coming out of the screen

While it was thought that young people were turning away from television, 68% of those under 30 consider the evening news as the main source of their overall consumption of information, according to a survey commissioned by TF1.

It's only 50% for the Internet and 55% for social networks.

"We have felt it shudder for a few months. I think that the crisis we are going through has also brought young people to sources of information such as ours", analyzes Anne-Claire Coudray.

"I must admit that it makes us happy."

For the journalist, this young audience of course represents the future.

"But it also makes us happy because we really put a lot of effort into the themes that could also interest them," she adds.

"Like when I bring a robot off the screen that's going to land on Mars. I'm happy to see on Twitter that it makes them react and that they like it."

TF1 news on Tik Tok

TF1 news is also setting off to attack new digital audiences, in particular with an upcoming show on Twitch, and now videos on Tik Tok.

"I had to explain to them how a television news was made and that it was not prepared a quarter of an hour before the air", explains Anne-Claire Coudray about the video shot for TF1's Tik Tok.

"We showed them the editorial conference, the writing of the diary, we showed them the repetition of the titles a few minutes from the credits. And it was very enjoyable. I think I had 270,000 views", welcomes- she does.