Officers and soldiers recorded a blessing video by Yu Wenjie

Officers and soldiers show handwritten letters of family photo by Fu Jiachen

A soldier is writing a family letter Photo by Yu Wenjie

Written family letter photo by Yu Wenjie

Handwritten family letter conveys the thoughts and blessings to the family Photo by Yu Wenjie

  Recently, on the occasion of the reunion of thousands of families during the Spring Festival, the Jingmen Detachment of the Armed Police Hubei Corps launched a home letter writing activity with the theme of "writing home letters during the Spring Festival and passing on warmth during the festive season". Every soldier was asked to write a home letter to his family. The words of Qi Chi appealed to the pen to convey the thoughts and blessings for their loved ones.

The officers and soldiers also recorded a "cloud" New Year greeting video, in a special way to send New Year greetings to families far away.