A child in pain.



Actors, directors, writers, musicians ... In a column published in

Le Parisien

, this Friday, 164 personalities from the artistic world call for the protection of children from sexual crimes by setting the threshold for non-consent at 15 years and 18 years in the event of incest.

This column is signed by Tristane Banon, on behalf of the Collective for Children, one of the first in the 2000s to say that she had been the victim of sexual assault by Dominique Strauss-Kahn.

A minor raped every hour in France

“It is mass crime we are talking about (…).

We who want firm laws to dissuade these unacceptable acts, all of us who are signing this petition today, ask you that this threshold of non-consent be set at 15 years, 18 in the event of incest ”, states the text s 'addressing those who "make the laws".

He cites estimates according to which "ten million French people" were victims of sexual violence before the age of 18, and recalls "that a minor child (is) raped every hour in France".

It is signed, among others, by Juliette Binoche, Zabou Breitman, Isabelle Carré, Annie Duperey, Line Renaud, Céline Sallette, Louis Bertignac, Dany Boon, Thomas Dutronc, Guillaume Gallienne, Patrice Leconte, Claude Lelouch… The tribune qualifies as "small progress" the Billon bill adopted by the Senate on January 21 aimed at setting the threshold for sexual non-consent at 13 years.

Tens of thousands of testimonials on social networks

“It's good but it's insufficient.

It's good but it's dangerous (…) Our expectations are far too high for that, ”says Tristane Banon, referring to the recent Olivier Duhamel affair, figure of the Parisian intelligentsia and renowned constitutionalist accused of incest, or again the testimonies of Christine Angot, Catherine Allégret and all those, "anonymous", who "by tens of thousands" are now expressed under the hashtag #MeTooInceste.

"After the victims have found the strength and courage to open the eyes of society wide, you who make the laws cannot be the only ones to keep them partially closed," says the author.

"It is only by recognizing the impossibility of consenting to incest before age 18 that your progress will be remarkable," she adds.

The government said on Tuesday it was "in favor" of any act of sexual penetration committed by an adult on a minor under the age of 15 now automatically constitutes a crime, without it being possible to question the victim's consent. .


Incest: What can the “staggered” prescription change for victims of sexual violence?


Incest: Judicial reform, the only lever for action to fight against sexual violence against children?

  • Child

  • Tribune

  • Pedocriminality

  • Society

  • Incest