Issue an initiative to encourage savings and push small dishes to order on demand

Enterprises in this city have recruited to stop food waste

  News from our newspaper (reporter Li Zewei) "Regulations on the prevention of food waste in Beijing" recently began to solicit public opinions. The regulations include a number of provisions to stop waste. A reporter from Beijing Youth Daily learned during an interview that many companies in the city involved in food and beverage business, Including Meituan, Huatian Group, Hanguang Department Store, etc., through launching initiatives, launching small dishes, advocating on-demand ordering, etc., to prevent food waste.

  To stop food waste, the whole society needs to form a consensus and act together.

According to the legislative work arrangement, the "Everyone Against Waste, Everyone Makes Rules" solicitation activities are carried out. The purpose is to mobilize the general public to come up with ideas and ways to prevent food waste legislation, so that the process of soliciting opinions becomes a gathering of the wisdom and wisdom of all parties. The process of gathering legislative consensus will further create a social trend of strict economy and opposition to waste.

  A reporter from the Beijing Youth Daily learned that the relevant requirements set forth in the "Regulations", such as catering units to allocate side dishes, post signs against waste, advocate for rewards or discounts to consumers who implement CD-ROM operations, and online catering service platforms to promote small-size meals Many catering companies in this city are already practicing.

  In order to fully respond to and actively implement Beijing’s call for legislation against food waste, Meituan has taken the lead in launching actions from many aspects.

For industry partners, Meituan, in conjunction with the China Federation of Commerce and others, issued an initiative to the catering industry, suggesting that catering units promote a non-waste civilized fashion from all links in publicity, operation, and service.

For platform users, Meituan and the United Nations World Food Program jointly launched the "Takeaway Zero Waste Challenge" campaign to let the food-saving dining habits penetrate consumers' hearts and guide them to consume appropriately.

At the same time, Meituan actively responded to linking more than 100 catering merchants to launch "zero-waste packages". In response to dining needs such as "one-person meal", Meituan Takeaway uses diversified small meals and standardized descriptions of take-out meals from the supply side. Help users order meals on demand and refuse to waste.

Through these measures, Meituan's consumption of "small portions" continues to rise.

Meituan also gave full play to the riders’ advantages in walking along the streets and alleys. Beijing’s stations and riders took active actions to transform the distribution boxes into mobile public welfare propaganda spaces, calling on everyone to consciously practice the "CD Action", creating shameful waste and saving behavior. Rong’s good social atmosphere.

  As a large-scale catering investment group with catering as its main business, Beijing Huatian Catering Group actively advocates the social ethos of "strict conservation and opposing waste" in its daily operations and catering services, and creates a green and environmentally friendly "civilized consumer restaurant".

Propaganda materials such as the civilized table convention and the promotion of economy are placed or posted in eye-catching locations in the restaurants of Huatian Group.

Reduce food waste through innovation in dishes, increasing yield and utilization of ingredients.

Introduce small portion dishes and advocate proper ordering and packing of leftovers.

In addition, the time-honored restaurants affiliated to Huatian Group insist on implementing the "CD Action" and reward "CD" consumers by setting up preferential activities to guide economical dining.

  The eighth and ninth floors of Hanguang Department Store are catering areas. All catering stores have posted CD-ROM action logos and launched "small dishes". Each catering store actively guides customers to order meals on demand and saves food when customers order. , To remind customers to pack and take away the remaining food. Customers will receive corresponding discounts after Hanguang Dining responds to the CD action.

In addition, through publicity and training, the mall strengthens the frugal awareness of catering service personnel, and guides everyone to consciously integrate the concept of frugality into all aspects of life.