【Explanation】Zhongwei Gaomiao is a landmark building in Zhongwei City, Ningxia. Walking into the temple, the carved beams and paintings are colorful and lifelike.

These patterns drawn on the door frame, window tree, cornice, beam and wood are called architectural painting.

The architectural paintings on the Zhongwei Gaomiao came from painting artist Chen Jinde and his team.

  [Explanation] Chen Jinde liked painting since he was a child. In 1983, at the age of 23, he officially became involved in architectural painting. He has been working for 37 years since then.

  [Concurrent] Architectural painting artist Chen Jinde

  In 1983, after I entered the Gaomiao for a chance, I saw how majestic the building was, the decorative arts inside, and the carvings and paintings were very good. I went in and made a circle from the courtyard below. It's so good.

How can I accept my study here (architectural painting)?

As a result, through a friend's introduction, the leader accepted me.

After I received it, I happened to have my Master Wang Zaitian, who paints, (saying) Xiao Chen is a doll. Master will lead me and guide me how to paint.

After passing it (that), it slowly continued to (19) 1985. In (19) 1985, Master began to grow old. The temple (person in charge) said that Xiao Chen would lead the job, and Master Wang Later, I will give you a light painting (painted pattern 枋心), the pattern design inside is called Xiao Chen Nao (dry), I will start to design and do it.

Finally, after my son got older and graduated from high school, he entered this business again and became my right-hand man.

It has been nearly 40 years from (19) 83 to this (now).

  [Explanation] Under the influence of Chen Jinde, his family also began to engage in architectural painting.

Chen Jinde’s second son has been in architectural painting for nearly 20 years, and both tools and materials have been updated. He likes this craft very much and hopes to carry it forward through his own efforts.

  [Concurrent] Chen Xueru, son of Chen Jinde

  When I was in elementary school, I laid hands on my father. I have been in this industry for 20 years. I really like this job.

During the past 20 years, there have been great changes from our craftsmanship to this tool. For example, the raised area of ​​this pattern is called bitumen powder. In the past, we used gypsum powder as bitumen powder. Sometimes the shape is made. Deformed and dry slowly.

Now we are using putty, which is good in shape and quick to dry.

  [Explanation] Chen Jinde's daughter-in-law used to work in a carpet factory. Under his influence, she has also become an architectural painter, and hopes her son can continue to pass it on.

  [Concurrent] Chen Jinde's daughter-in-law Cui Lifen

  Before I got married, I always liked painting, and then worked in the carpet factory for several years to paint (design).

After getting married, he was influenced by the family and assisted her husband in this industry.

I have been particularly fond of doing this in recent years. Since I have a doll, I have been thinking about letting the doll continue to do this, not letting it (architectural painting craft) be lost, and this craft will be passed on.

  [Explanation] Nowadays, Chen Jinde’s grandchildren have gradually taken over the “baton” of architectural painting. According to Chen Jinde’s grandson, Chen Xinglong, the grandfather who can paint is very “cool”. He hopes that he can also learn architectural painting in the future. A skill.

  [Concurrent] Chen Xinglong, grandson of Chen Jinde

  I am now in the fifth grade. I learned painting from my grandfather in the third grade. I like this craft very much, and I will continue to learn this craft when I grow up.

  [Explanation] In January this year, the Ningxia Zhongwei Architectural Painting Project was selected into the fifth batch of national intangible cultural heritage representative projects. As a non-genetic inheritor, Chen Jinde hopes to carry forward the architectural painting technique and continue to pass on.

  Yang Di Xie Yu Zhang Xiwen reports from Ningxia

Editor in charge: [Wang Kai]