Boys started nursing care at the age of 9-The reality of "young care" -February 5, 16:49

The boy began caring for his grandmother when he was nine years old.

After her grandmother died, her mother's care continued.

He says that he has never felt painful because he wants his favorite family to get well.

But when his mother died and his care was over, the boy was 38 years old.

"I wanted a connection with the outside world,"


said as an


(Saitama Broadcasting Station reporter Saki Onishi)

He who eats "mixer food"

Mr. Kazuya (pseudonym, 42 years old) was eating in a studio room in front of the bone jar containing the remains of his mother and the remains.

It is said that he has been eating a pasty "mixer meal" for about 6 years by mixing bread and vegetable juice with a blender.

Mr. Kazuya

"I was happy because my mother said that it was delicious even if it was like this."

Kazuya, who has been caring for her since she was a child, cooked meals for her mother and ate the same food as her mother in an attempt to reduce the time and effort of cooking.

When a bedridden mother began to eat a "blender meal," Kazuya began to eat as well.

Perhaps because of this long life, I can no longer eat "normal" meals.

Long-term care that started

Kazuya lost her father in a car accident at the age of three.

From that time on, I lived with my mother, grandmother, and Kazuya.

The household also relied on a small amount of savings and my grandmother's pension.

Soon after, the originally ill-hearted mother tended to get sick and rarely went out of the house.

In addition, my elderly grandmother needed long-term care when Kazuya was in the third grade of elementary school.

I hurt my back and couldn't walk, so Kazuya went to the hospital to get medicine by herself instead of her mother.

My grandmother couldn't go to the bathroom by herself, so Kazuya held hands and went with her.

It could take up to 30 minutes to get up, go to the bathroom, and get back to the room.

Assisting my grandmother's toilet has become Kazuya's daily routine.

I have to work harder

Around this time, my mother cooked food when I was feeling well.

But I couldn't go out, so Kazuya was in charge of daily shopping and laundry.

It is said that the shopping bag was very heavy for Mr. Kazuya, who was still small, because he also buys daily necessities.

But for Kazuya, this kind of daily life was "natural".

I want my favorite family to get well soon.

With that in mind, I worked hard to help the toilet and shop.

However, when he saw a family walking with his children, he thought, "I want to go out with my mom and grandma."

That's why Kazuya thought, "I have to work harder."

Kazuya's life was centered around her mother and grandmother.

Because of that, when I became a junior high school student, I often became ill and tended to take a day off from school.

Long-term care-centered life

When going to high school, Kazuya chose a part-time school.

I wanted to devote as much time as possible to my mother and grandmother, except during class hours starting in the evening.

Around that time, mothers began to fall down frequently.

When he was examined at the hospital, he was diagnosed with dizziness caused by menopause.

The mother couldn't even stand up, and Kazuya had to hold hands and help her in the bathroom, just like her grandmother.

As her mother's physical condition deteriorated, Kazuya's life will become more focused on long-term care than ever before.

During the day, prepare meals and shop.

I also did the laundry and cleaning.

I went to high school in the evening, and after returning home at night, I helped the toilet and wiped the bodies of the two.

When I was in high school, the dates changed every time I noticed, and after preparing breakfast, I lived in a futon next to my mother and grandmother at dawn.

Sometimes I

wanted to play and connect with someone


But I couldn't tell anyone my "real feelings".

Anyway, he said that he had no choice but to spend every day thinking only about the things in front of him and the day.

I wanted to go back, but I couldn't

There was a time when Kazuya-san really felt "fun".

It is a part-time job that I started after graduating from high school, hoping to benefit my household even a little.

Around this time, visiting nurses and helpers came to the house for the first time for my grandmother who was recuperating at home, and although it was only a few hours, Kazuya had free time.

I wanted to touch my favorite book, so I chose a bookstore in my neighborhood.

Twice a week, about 3 hours a day, arranging books on the shelves and exchanging words with customers at the time of accounting.

At my part-time job, I made friends and a girl I like.

I've had conversations about books and laughed at each other.

Such casual conversation and time were very fresh and happy.

However, about six years after I started working part-time, my mother broke her leg and became bedridden.

Mr. Kazuya had to take care of him.

I had to quit my part-time job.

In addition, I have returned to a life where I cannot connect with anyone other than my family.


"It was the only connection with the outside world, so I didn't really want to quit. I wanted to go back, but I couldn't."

A world where only two people live

Shortly after her mother was bedridden, her grandmother died.

Kazuya, who was 28 at the time, spent most of the time alone with her mother for the next 10 years.

A mother who has become bedridden and has bedsores.

I tried to ask a helper, but I didn't like being touched by anyone other than Kazuya.

For this reason, Kazuya washed her mother's back clean and applied the medicine.

Also, my body became stiff and I couldn't get rid of it well, so the sheets were often dirty.

It was a repetition of washing the sheets and cleaning up the excrement.

Kazuya rubbed her mother's body if she had the time.

I wanted it to be a little easier, so I kept sitting beside my mother.

Next to my mother's bed, before I knew it, that was where Kazuya was.

I couldn't leave my mother's side, so I couldn't go to work and my household budget became tight.

It is said that he managed to make ends meet with the support of his relatives.

After long-term care

Four years ago, in March, her mother died at the age of 67.

At the same time, the long-term care life that lasted about 30 years has ended.

At that time, Mr. Kazuya was 38 years old.

I noticed that I had no friends or girlfriend.

At work and at home, above all, there was no "connection" with society.

So now, Mr. Kazuya said that he wants to feel "human happiness."


"I worked, got married, and had a child. Is that a big dream, or is it the only thing I'm thinking about? I'm half giving up, but it seems that my dad and mom gave birth to me. And I want to be like that too. "

To reach out for support

Children who have been in charge of family care and care from an early age, such as Kazuya, are called "young carers" and are finally beginning to be recognized as objects to be supported.

Saitama Prefecture has begun to provide support, and the national government is also conducting a nationwide survey.

Click here for related articles about "Young Carer"

Kazuya thought that it was her job to "care" for her family, and that it was normal for her to take care of her since she was a child.

He didn't even think about talking to someone and asking for help.

That's why, now, Mr. Kazuya said, "I think that if there is" kindness "like a little voice from the people around me and the government, I think I will be saved a lot," and I still do my best lonely somewhere. I hope that you will reach out to the "Young Carer".

Kazuya started a part-time job at a supermarket last October.

He has been working since a part-time job at a bookstore, and he says he wants to become a full-time employee eventually.

Kazuya decided to move forward.

I want his life to be as happy as possible.

I sincerely hope so.

Saitama Broadcasting Station reporter

Saki Onishi

Joined the

station in 2014 After working at the Kumamoto station and Fukuoka station, he has been a member since last summer.

Covered the field of long-term care and welfare for 6 years.