Several studies suggesting that severe forms of Covid-19 were frequently associated with vitamin D deficiency have recently sparked a craze for this hormone.

But it can present risks in case of overconsumption, alert on Wednesday on Europe 1 the doctor Jimmy Mohamed, our health consultant. 

Behind the craze, there is a shortcut.

According to several studies, people with severe forms of Covid-19 are frequently deficient in vitamin D. This does not mean that this vitamin protects against severe forms of the disease ... However, in recent weeks, a "boom" in Consumption of this hormone has been observed, in the form of ampoules prescribed by a doctor, drops or food supplements.

Doctor Jimmy Mohamed, health consultant of Europe 1, warns Wednesday on the risks of such a cure if it is not done with precaution. 


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Dosage errors in children 

Like any substance or drug, excess vitamin D can be dangerous and more and more accidents are reported by poison control centers, including dosing errors in children.

When taken too much, vitamin D can indeed lead to increased calcium in the blood and urine, nausea, vomiting and even kidney failure.

Faced with these risks, the best advice is to ask a doctor or pharmacist for a referral.

Because basically, the idea is not bad: we are all almost deficient in vitamin D, which our body creates thanks to the light - 15 to 20 minutes of sun are necessary every day to have a sufficient stock.

Except that with confinement and the mask that covers part of our face, deficiencies are frequent.

And we know that certain categories of people - such as children, the elderly, those with dark skin or those who suffer from obesity - need it more than others.


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A vitamin that can be found on the plate

So, how to overcome it safely?

In children, it is recommended to avoid food supplements that exist in the form of gums or chewing lozenges and which will contain a very large amount of vitamin D, hence the risk of overdose, especially for children under two years.

They can continue to be given vitamin D in the form of drops, as from birth, at a rate of four drops per day.

For older children, from two years old and up to the age of 18, it's a bulb of 100,000 units at the beginning and end of winter, no more.

Two last tips: don't forget that vitamin D can also be found on your plate, in oily fish such as salmon, tuna, but also eggs, butter or dairy products!

And whatever the way you organize your "cure", do not think you are exempt from wearing a mask and barrier gestures in the face of the Covid-19 epidemic.