Faustine Nogherotto, Star Academy participant in 2006 -


Revealed in 2006 by

Star Academy

on TF1, the young woman had been fighting for years against the disease.

Faustine Nogherotto died at the age of 31.

“Life is unfair, my sister had everything for her beauty, kindness, a purity in her voice.

She was in so much pain… now she is at peace, her sister Noémie Nogherotto wrote on Facebook on Saturday.

In 2016, Faustine Nogherotto, guest of

Do not forget the lyrics

on France 2 had revealed to suffer from two diseases.

"I have two rare pathologies that you never hear about and it's a real hell to live with on a daily basis," she said.

She suffered from chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia syndrome and suffered from an incurable autoimmune disease, Gougerot-Sjögren syndrome.

The former candidate for

Star Academy

Mathieu Johan reacted Saturday on Twitter: “I learn of the disappearance of the young Faustine who had participated in the Star Ac in 2006. Faustine fought for years against the disease.

My thoughts fly to her and her loved ones ”.

I learned of the disappearance of young Faustine who had participated in the Star Ac in 2006. Faustine had been fighting against illness for years.

My thoughts fly to her and her loved ones.

#tristesse @nikosaliagas @ALJ @ TF1 @AprikianAra pic.twitter.com/Us7ItCQWis

- Mathieu Johann (@mathieujohann) January 30, 2021

  • Culture

  • Star Academy

  • Disappearance

  • TF1

  • Disease