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What if the "Probe of Hope" did not reach Mars?

Sami Al Riyami


January 28, 2021

After 11 days from now, on the ninth of next February, exactly at seven and forty-five minutes, the "Hope Probe" will reach its orbit on Mars, crossing more than 450 million kilometers, to begin the journey of restoring Arab and Islamic civilization, before it begins its tasks The scientific community that will serve science, scientists and scientific research centers all over the world, the UAE decided that the tasks of this probe will be available to everyone, and contacted the most important and largest specialized scientific centers to open up the way for them to benefit from all the information that they are looking for about the Red Planet.

The question that many will ask is, what if the probe did not reach Mars?

What if it crashed, burned, or did not reach the appropriate speed to enter the orbit of the Red Planet?

Certainly, these are things that may happen, and in no small percentage, because the probe reaches its orbit with 50% success, and the failure to reach it is also possible in exactly the same proportion, as the tasks to the Red Planet are always surrounded by high risks, so many countries do not dare to undertake such tasks, It is afraid of failure, and prefers not to take risks, and very few have taken the initiative to discover this planet and everything that surrounds it, and the UAE is one of the very few countries that decided to take a risk, and entered this very elite field, and registered its name among the adults who seek to establish knowledge and support Scientific centers that serve human civilization at this time.

The probe may not arrive, and this is possible, but the UAE has achieved its achievements on Earth and before the probe goes into space, the supreme goal is not to reach the probe to Mars, but to reach Mars is a new step in the process of huge achievements that have been made, and it is the beginning of other steps and greater achievements that will be achieved .

The cost of the Mars mission did not exceed 200 million dollars, and this number is very simple in the world of space, but here in the Emirates we are not talking about a "cost". Rather, we are talking about investing 200 million dirhams, investing it in a constellation of Emirati men and women who entered this field, and they were behind all Small and big in designing and building the probe, planning the historic Mars journey, investing in raising the name and flag of the Emirates among a very few of the developed countries of the world, investing in the support of global science and knowledge, and actually contributing to human civilization, as a "principal participant", not as a "simple spectator." »!

"The Hope Probe", if it reaches its location in the orbit of the Red Planet, will enrich global research centers with very valuable information and images, and will answer the questions of many scientists and specialists, for a period of up to two years, which means that it is indeed an unlimited scientific and informational wealth.

As for what the Mars exploration project did on Earth, and before the launch of the probe, it is indeed a huge achievement in itself, adding to the balance of the UAE's achievements, and therefore we are massively winning in all cases, and the UAE will not lose anything even if the probe did not arrive!

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