If corporate managers do not understand the correct perception of emotional stress and effectively regulate and manage it, it may seriously affect the physical and mental health of employees and the efficiency of the company.

  Workplace pressure: find a "tree hole" of your own

  Our reporter Yin Xiaoyan

  With the acceleration of the pace of life, the bombardment of massive information in the information society, coupled with the sense of burnout in the face of occupation and the fatigue in life, people are feeling unprecedented pressure.

In the face of stress, how will you resolve it?

The emotions of employees are closely related to production order and efficiency. As a manager, how to guide?

  "You can, bear with me" "It's not going well, it's okay" "I have to be full of energy today, come on."

Entering the New Year, an online survey showed that the "file transfer assistant" used to store and transfer work files on mobile phones is regarded as a private "tree hole" by many workplace people, telling their hearts and relieving themselves.

  Due to the acceleration of the pace of life, the bombardment of massive information in the information society, coupled with the sense of burnout in the face of occupation and the fatigue in life, people are feeling unprecedented pressure.

In the face of stress, how will you resolve it?

The emotions of employees are closely related to production order and efficiency. As a manager, how to guide?

More than half of workplace people have negative emotions

  "When I arrive at the office every day, just seeing the table full of reports, memos and letters to reply is enough to make me feel confused, nervous and worried." Meng Li worked in the office of a technology company for five years. , This job still makes her feel nervous and confused.

"I feel exhausted all day long, but I have neither been promoted nor raised, and the future seems far away."

  Liu Lin, who is currently in the upswing of his career, also feels upset recently. He feels that he has been promoted too quickly, and is suddenly isolated by the people around him. The relationship with his kind colleagues has become alienated and awkward.

"I don't know if I'm too sensitive, but the promotion did bring me pressure on relationships."

  A promotion, a difficult vocational exam, a crisis management... These are challenges often encountered in the workplace.

And some people will experience various symptoms after experiencing such things: depression, irritability, palpitation, chest tightness, and even insomnia all night and all night, this is "workplace anxiety."

  The survey shows that about 65% of employed people have negative emotions in their hearts. Such emotions can be manifested as dissatisfaction with the status quo and deep exhaustion; the more serious ones are overwhelmed and suffer from serious physical and mental illness.

  Workers of different age groups have different anxiety.

85% of the post-90s respondents said they have "overtime anxiety", 61% have "promotion anxiety", 57% have "consumption anxiety", 47% have "study anxiety", and 45% have "night sleep anxiety". The proportion of respondents with "hairline anxiety" and "health anxiety" is also more than 30%.

  Nearly 70% of post-80s workplace people believe that their current salary does not match their own abilities. At the end of the first half of their workplace, they feel that the title of "middle-aged greasy" is not far from them; up to half of the post-80s interviewed Of the respondents are worrying about the problem of promotion in the workplace; a quarter of the respondents said that they had not increased their salary in the past year, which is the cause of their annoyance; 21% of the respondents said that they have no deposits, and 40% of them need loans Buy a house.

  Everyone needs their own "tree hole"

  The internet term "tree hole" means a place where you can reveal your heart. It refers to a place where you can tell secrets without worrying about leaking out.

For people in the workplace, accumulating troubles will affect their health, and some things cannot be known to others.

At this time, find a "tree hole" to speak out the confusion, and people will become more relaxed.

  "I cannot tell my colleagues about the troubles at work. I am grateful for a mother who is good at listening and understanding." Meng Li's "Tree Hole" is her mother. "My mother always persuades me that no one is perfect, not everyone is perfect. It’s a top student. It’s not wrong to pursue perfection, it’s wrong to fail to do what you can, and not all work needs to be done perfectly."

  With the accumulation of work experience, Meng Li also learned to classify the work according to four parts: urgent and important, important or not, urgent and not important, and non-urgent and not important.

"This can effectively relieve tension."

  "Don't expect that the people you work with will stand in your position and consider the problem. Recognizing this will reduce a lot of disappointment. Be careful to choose those who you want to trust or want to vomit." Liu Lin believes that everything must be resolved on his own in the end, and he must be very cautious when choosing a person to talk to, so as not to encounter a worse situation.

  Liu Lin said that an orderly life will make him clear and comfortable every day.

Now he cleans up his desk every day before leaving get off work, and regularly cleans up the files and e-mails on the computer.

In addition, in a calm morning, a rich breakfast is also conducive to the mood and work efficiency of the day.

  Psychologists suggest that if you blindly compare with others, you will fall into the misunderstanding of comparing your own shortcomings to the advantages of others.

Take your eyes away from others, and compare yourself with yourself. Is today's me better than yesterday's me?

Is Bibi doing better this time than last time?

Comparing yourself is not only a great way to resolve anxiety, but also a great way to urge one's progress.

  Emotion is also productivity

  "Emotion is also productivity." Zhang Ning is the secretary of the grassroots team of an oil company and has a deep understanding of this.

"In our position, the emotions of employees have a particularly great impact on safety production." He believes that if business managers do not understand the correct recognition of emotional stress and effectively regulate and manage emotional stress, it may seriously affect the personal physical and mental health of employees and the company's health. Work efficiency.

  A survey on absenteeism management found that stress was listed as the top reason for employee absenteeism.

But absenteeism is only a consequence of stress, and it will also cause a decrease in employee willingness, loyalty, and dedication. Stress is also an important cause of work conflicts.

  However, few managers are aware of the seriousness of the problem, do not know exactly what workplace pressure is, how it affects their employees, let alone how to deal with it.

  Another difficulty in reality is that not all workplace pressures that affect employee performance come from the workplace.

In many cases, the cause of stress is a complex relationship between workplace and non-workplace.

For example, debt and poor relationships can threaten a person's work performance.

  "Ideological and political work in a company is an effective way to resolve workplace anxiety. It is a science for both employees and managers. It requires patience and meticulousness and a peaceful mind." Zhang Ning said.

  First of all, we must have sufficient respect for employees, including honesty in behavior, emotional management, and considerate and considerate attitude to employees.

Formulate reasonable evaluation standards, give positive rather than negative feedback to employees' performance, and show due understanding of the balance of life and work of employees.

  In addition, companies should also maintain transparency of information, promptly inform employees of the progress of the business, and encourage employees to participate.

Zhang Ning believes that grassroots political workers should pay special attention to face-to-face conversations with employees, which may not be so important in normal times, but in the special period of corporate transformation, individual feelings become extremely sensitive.

Managers should pay more attention to face-to-face conversations rather than key-to-key communication via the Internet.