Camélia Jordana in December 2020 in Paris -

Laurent Vu / NMA2020 / SIPA / SIPA

Camélia Jordana is promoting her double album

Facile x Fragile

, expected in stores this Friday.

Asked about the absence of female artists in the "best album" category of the 36th Victoires de la Musique this Monday in the columns of


, the singer points to a lack of parity: "We are in France, in 2021 ... but the majority of the people who vote are men, since it is the industry that votes.

The labels make deals between themselves: I vote for your artist, you vote for my artist… ”

And to abound by evoking the almost exclusively male composition of the team of his new album: "There is a majority of men because they are the majority in the music industry," she laments. .

A situation that she wants to change: "When I got to the end, I told myself that it would change radically on the next one", she promises.


The remarks of Camélia Jordana on the "white men" who should "ask forgiveness" pinned by the Licra

By the Web

Google: And the most searched terms on the search engine in 2020 are ...

  • Music

  • Culture

  • Music victories

  • Parity