Central Council = Central Council for Education of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ministry, which has been considered the way of an eye to the new era school education, as the target of the fifth-grade and sixth-grade classes to prospect four fiscal Ryowa, each subject to the junior high school I advised you to introduce the "subject teacher system" taught by a specialized teacher in earnest.

The Central Education Council, after being consulted by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, compiled a report on the ideal way of education for elementary and junior high schools and high schools in the new era, such as the utilization of digital technology, and submitted it to Deputy Minister Tanose on the 26th.

In the report, so that the specialized high teachers can guidance depending on the proficiency of children each person's learning, to prospect a four-year Ryowa as a target of fifth grade and sixth-grade elementary school classes, for each subject as junior high school We are requesting the full-scale introduction of the "subject teacher system" taught by specialized teachers.

The target of introduction is three subjects of mathematics, science, and English, and by teaching by specialized teachers while utilizing ICT = information and communication technology, it will be easier for children to deepen their understanding and learning and lead to learning in junior high school. , It is said that the burden can be reduced by reducing the class time per teacher and improving the efficiency of preparation.

In elementary schools, the "class teacher system" in which one teacher is in charge of one class is the mainstream, but in addition to making English a subject, teachers' expertise such as compulsory programming education is required, and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology is required. The ministry plans to introduce a "class teacher system" based on the report.

In addition, in the report, the name of the general course of high school will be changed to one that expresses the characteristics and charm of each school, and as the digital environment of each terminal is being improved in elementary school, it will be digital. We are requesting that the use of textbooks be promoted steadily.