In "Sans Rendez-vous", Jimmy Mohamed takes stock of asthenia, this abnormal and tenacious fatigue which can hide another pathology.

The doctor also gives some advice to fight against this pathology, the first of which is "sleep well".  

It is a feeling known to all: fatigue.

But when the latter persists after a period of rest for several days or even several weeks, it is possible that it conceals asthenia.

In "Without Appointment", doctor Jimmy Mohamed takes stock of this pathology, its causes, and gives some advice to deal with it. 


Fatigue can be cured!

Fatigue that persists over time

"Asthenia is a somewhat pompous term that comes from the Greek: -sthenia means strength, vigor, and the private -a refers to lack. Asthenia therefore designates the lack of strength and vigor. But it is necessary. distinguish from 'classic' fatigue: that which one feels after a physical or intellectual effort and which will subside after a period of rest.

Because what characterizes asthenia above all is that it persists over time.

An abnormal and inexplicable fatigue therefore, which furthermore causes the unpleasant and painful sensation of being unable to carry out daily activities.

Asthenia is a very frequent reason for consultation in general medicine, since 10% to 25% of patients mention abnormal fatigue when they come for something else.

Not to mention that 10% of consultations are motivated solely by this pathology. 

Multiple causes 

The field of causes of asthenia is enormous.

So much so that it is difficult to name them all.

Nevertheless, reaction fatigue, due to stress, comes from a lack of sleep, repeated jet lag, or overwork.

For its part, psychic asthenia, the most frequent, is most often due to depression or anxiety disorders.

But this fatigue can also find its origin in drug treatment, hormonal problems, or even hide an illness. 


 How to strengthen your sleep and fight against fatigue?

Take care of your sleep

I remember a patient, a single mother who is raising her three years, who came to see me for gastroenteritis.

During the consultation, she tells me that she is tired, that the slightest effort is superhuman.

And by digging a little, we realized that she actually had a chronic pathology, in this case a blood disease.

Obviously, this does not hide another pathology all the time.

The first thing that we advise people is to sleep well: lack of sleep is a classic factor of fatigue.

If despite everything, fatigue persists after several days or weeks, go see your doctor for a small assessment. "