Have you tasted pomegranate tea?

Its benefits are limitless

Pomegranate tea, which is prepared either from pomegranate seeds, peels, dried flowers, or concentrated juices mixed with green tea or any herbal tea, is known for its multiple health benefits.

And according to the Boldsky site, pomegranate drink is a safe and effective means of strengthening the immune system, which is one of the important means to combat infection from many harmful viruses and germs.

Pomegranate is an ancient fruit that has many promising physiological activities such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial.

1- Strengthening immunity

The tea made with pomegranate peel has immunological effects.

And the presence of sugars in the peel can help boost immunity.

Pomegranate tea is used to treat cancer patients by strengthening their immune systems, which are affected by chemotherapy.

The polyphenols in pomegranate effectively protect the body against many pathogens.

2- Antimicrobial

Pomegranate tea, according to the results of a joint study in which scientists from the State University of New Jersey and Tennessee participated, contain antimicrobial agents such as ellagic acid and tannin with its phenolic properties, which can help prevent viral and bacterial pathogens, especially Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella, in addition to that. Effective against highly pathogenic and drug-resistant strains.

3- Supports heart health

Pomegranate tea nourishes the human body with the main polyphenols such as anthocyanins, phenolic acids and punicalagens, which have national antioxidant activity.

A study conducted by Professor Michael Aviram of the Rambam Medical Research Center indicates that polyphenols have properties that help protect against cardiovascular diseases such as stroke and coronary heart disease.

4- It helps in losing weight

According to the results of a study conducted by Professor Audrey Nirink from the University of Louvain in Belgium, the high amount of punic acid in pomegranate tea helps in weight loss due to the cholesterol-lowering effects.

It also reduces harmful fats in the blood and in general, pomegranate tea helps prevent weight gain to a great extent.

A study, conducted at the University of Aristotle in Greece, indicates that the quercetin and ellagic acid in pomegranate tea have anti-cancer properties that can help prevent the growth of cancer cells.

The study shows that pomegranate is effective against many types of cancer, such as renal cell cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, cervical cancer and breast cancer.

6- It protects against Alzheimer's disease

Pomegranate tea has neurological antibacterial properties.

The urolithin and punicalagen in pomegranate tea may slow the progression of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.

Scientifically proven to prevent neuronal inflammation, Punicalagen reduces memory impairment caused by inflammation.

7- It prevents osteoporosis

A study, conducted by researchers at the National Institute of Health and Medical Research Inserm, shows that the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities of pomegranate tea can be beneficial for osteoporosis.

It also helps prevent bone loss and reduce damage to bone due to free radicals.

Preparation Methods:

Pomegranate tea can be prepared in several ways, including pomegranate tea with some seeds that are served hot, pomegranate tea with ginger and lemon, or pomegranate iced tea:

A method of pomegranate tea with seeds

• Overflowing the seeds of two pomegranates

• crushing the seeds in a blender to get the juice out.

Mix the mixture well and add some healthy seeds.

• Store the mixture in a container for one month.

• To prepare tea, pour about 4-5 tablespoons of juice into a cup with one teaspoon of the seeds.

Add hot water.

Then sweeten with honey as needed.

With ginger and lemon.

• One pomegranate seed seed.

• Wash an orange or lemon peel, then boil it for a minute or two.

Then add a tablespoon of grated ginger and 4-5 mint leaves.

• Put the mixture after stirring well in a jar, tightly covering it.

Leave the mixture to soak for 15-20 minutes.

• The mixture is filtered from the peels.

• After pouring tea into a cup, it can be sweetened with honey.

Pomegranate Ice Tea

Squeeze the

pomegranate seeds to get the amount of a cup

• Add a tablespoon of lemon juice and 4 to 5 mint leaves.

• Mix the mixture in a blender well.

You can sweeten with honey.

Then place 4 to 5 ice cubes before pouring the drink into the cups.