Pictures ... a brain tumor removed from a patient without anesthesia in Manchester


A medical team at the Royal Salford Hospital in Manchester succeeded in removing a tumor from a patient's brain without undergoing anesthesia, according to the British newspaper "The Sun".

The newspaper added that Emily Sudlow, 26, underwent the strange surgery of its kind, after she suffered from a headache that lasted 13 days, and thought that the pain was caused by her having a cold, but her condition developed for the worse, and her sloppiness in speech made her consult a specialist who confirmed her existence A tumor in her brain.

Emily did not take the doctor's words seriously, as she returned to her home and continued her life as usual, but her poor condition made her go to the hospital again, as doctors confirmed that she was suffering from a stroke after the explosion of the brain tumor.

Sudlow's surgeons performed the operation by administering local anesthesia to the head, accessing the brain via the jaw, and removing the tumor.

Sudlow agreed to undergo this 8-hour operation, while she was kept awake during the surgery.

After the operation, the patient was able to speak gradually by saying vocabulary and short sentences, but the state of stuttering during speech remained accompanying her.

Emily, who is currently working as a volunteer for a charity, says that last November, tests revealed the presence of a new benign tumor in her brain, but doctors do not see it as a threat to her life, as they rule out the hypothesis that it turned into another malignant or caused a stroke.