Every day

A unique human experience throughout history

Sami Al Riyami


January 19, 2021

At a time when Europe and many other countries close the activities of daily life in their cities, and increase restrictions on the movement of their people, due to its recognition of the difficulty in dealing with the Corona virus, the UAE is opening many headquarters and places, to give citizens, and all who live on its land, a vaccine The virus is free of charge, without any compensation, and this only aims for their safety, and to ensure the return of their normal lives to what they were before the virus spread.

So let us all look at the west, east, north and south of the world, and to examine with the eyes of truth and fairness, is there a country in the world that does what the UAE did in dealing with this crisis?

Is there concern for the safety, health, comfort and well-being of every citizen and resident, for no reason other than the public interest, far from any interests of certain sectors or groups, or the intervention of pressure groups that seek their own interests on government decisions!

The UAE was one of the first countries in the world to provide vaccines, and it is one of the very few countries that provided vaccines with their two types, and gave everyone who lives on its lands the right to obtain them through very simplified procedures, without asking him about his nationality, religion, sect or color, and gave it to everyone free of charge. When major countries are unable to do that, and if they do, they give priority to their own citizens, and often times only to certain groups, not all citizens!

What is happening in the UAE is a great thing, as it is indeed a unique human experience, perhaps not witnessed by the history of civilizations before, and this is not an exaggeration, because simply there have not been met throughout history human beings of 200 nationalities and more, and who have about 80 religions, beliefs and sects, who live in One place, one community, closeness and affection, without problems, and they all feel the same feelings of security, safety and stability, but rather love that place that brings them together, it is really a clear example of the positive globalization sought by the tolerant, open world, full of love and peace.

The accomplishments of the UAE are countless, every fair person must admit this, as it is too big to be ignored by a wise person. The country has made very big leaps and leaps in a quick record time, in various areas of comprehensive development. These achievements have been achieved thanks to several reasons, the most important of which are two main reasons: The speed of decision-making by the supreme leadership, and the citizen's confidence in this leadership, this confidence has been established through many years of work, effort, positive practices, and the leadership's keenness on the comfort and well-being of the citizen.

At the same time, these huge achievements were a direct cause of increasing envy and hatred for the UAE experience, especially by those with agendas, who were unhappy by the arrival of an Arab model to this advanced level of development, which surpasses their backward thinking and narrow vision, so they directed their malicious arrows and waged wars. Media to undermine this successful model, this is what is happening now, and we must all understand this matter well, and we must all realize that the best and strongest response to these haters will only be through work and production, and to exert more effort to achieve more achievements and gains, as achievements hurt the haters. More than anything else!

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