5 minutes

Awareness changes everything


Alaa Jarad


January 18, 2021

One of the most hopeless topics of reading and research is the subject of learning about learning, that is, how a person learns, and what are the mechanisms for improving learning and applying it in practice, because the ability to learn is a comparative advantage that is unmatched by any other advantage for individuals, companies and nations.

Conscious and effective learning, with the ability to apply it, takes us to new worlds that we could not imagine reaching, where individuals' income increases, their ability to solve problems develops, and for companies, learning gives them the ability to reduce errors and costs, innovate new products and services, and meet the requirements of those involved. As customers, employees and partners, and for governments, learning helps to prosper and economic growth, and to be on top of all international indicators, as is the case in Scandinavia, which outperforms the United States, Britain, China and India.

But learning starts with awareness, and awareness changes everything.

A model of individual learning models stopped me, explaining the stages and mechanisms of learning, as it divides them into four stages, the first of which is the stage of "lack of awareness of inefficiency", where the person is not aware of what he does not know, for example if a person wants to learn to swim, he is not fully aware of the types of skills required And what he needs to do or not do to swim.

Then comes the second stage, which is "awareness of inefficiency", where when starting to learn the skill, as is the case in the example of swimming, the learner here realizes that he must keep himself afloat, and at the same time the movement of the arms must be balanced with the movement of the feet with the head and the rest Body parts, as he realizes that he must organize and harmonize his movements and breathing.

The third stage, which is «awareness of competence», and comes after the acquisition of the skill, where the person realizes that he is able to swim, is well aware of what needs to be done, and thinks about it while swimming.

As for the fourth stage, it is "lack of awareness of competence", that is, the person begins to practice the acquired skill without thinking, in an almost completely automatic way, as if he was born with this skill, he does not think at all about the movement of the hands or balance or anything, only swimming successfully Comfortable, it can even leave itself to float on the water without effort or swimming.

In 2004 researcher David Baum added a fifth stage, which is the stage of "awareness of lack of awareness of competence", which is an advanced stage in which a person realizes his ability to master a specific skill or behavior, and also can transfer this skill to others, and this is evident in the case of Teachers, trainers and mentors, as they have full mastery of a skill, and it is easy to reach the fourth stage, but they also need the fifth stage, in order to be able to transfer their knowledge to their students.

In conclusion, I thank the researcher and colleague Isra Al-Bandari, who alerted me to this topic.

• Active and conscious learning with the ability to apply it takes us to new worlds that we could not even imagine reaching.



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