On January 17th, in Aoluguya Ewenki Nationality Township in Hulunbergenhe City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the "Yi Daily" performance team composed of young Ewenki ethnic groups was restoring the real scene of reindeer migration for tourists.

These Ewenki youths come from China's last ambassador tribe-Aoluguya ambassador tribe.

  Due to historical reasons, the Ewenki nationality has been living a hunting life and did not settle down in Aoluguya until 1965.

Due to the sparse number of people and the small number of foreign exchanges, their lifestyle and national culture are somewhat "mysterious" to outsiders.

Therefore, the local organization of Ewenki youths who can sing and dance is to restore the production and lifestyle of Ewenki hunters who migrated between mountains and forests for more than 400 years in the form of live interpretation.

  With the rapid development of the tourism industry in the Aoluguya Ewenki Ethnic Township, the tourism industry has replaced traditional hunting and production to help the Aoluguya tribe get rid of poverty and become rich and increase income.

  (Reporter Zhang Wei and Ma Zhiyuan)

Editor in charge: [Ye Pan]