Last year, in a residential area where a road collapse and an underground cavity were found in Chofu City, Tokyo, a new place that seems to be an underground cavity was found, and the East Nippon Expressway explained the situation to nearby residents and is proceeding with a detailed investigation. I will.

The place that seems to be a cavity was found in the basement of a park in a residential area of ​​Chofu City, Tokyo, and in the surrounding area, a road collapse and two underground cavities were found in October and November last year.

According to the East Nippon Expressway, which is conducting tunnel excavation work for the "Tokyo Gaikan Expressway" = "Gaikan Expressway" underground, resistance decreased near 16 meters underground when a boring survey was conducted to dig a hole underground. There is a place where it seems to be hollow.

For this reason, the person in charge explains the situation to the local residents, monitors the surrounding area with equipment that captures changes in the ground surface, and is proceeding with a detailed investigation.

The East Nippon Expressway acknowledged a causal relationship between the collapse of the road and the underground cavity found in October last year, saying that tunnel excavation work is likely to be one of the factors, and apologized to the residents and compensated individually. I will.