Following the declaration of an emergency in the three prefectures of Kansai, Tsutenkaku, the symbol of Osaka, has shortened the light-up time from the 13th to 8:00 pm.

At Tsutenkaku in Naniwa-ku, Osaka, more than 30,000 LEDs were turned off all at once at 8:00 pm on the 13th.

A state of emergency was declared, and in Osaka, citizens of the prefecture were required to refrain from going out after 8:00 pm, and restaurants and other places were required to shorten their business hours to 8:00 pm. It shortens the lighting time that was up to the time.

Takamitsu Takai, president of Tsutenkaku Tourism Co., Ltd., said, "The city is quiet due to the second state of emergency that I didn't want you to leave. I hope that it will lead to the end of Corona. "